Top 15915 swift open source projects

752. Easychartsswift
A simple chart lib used for iOS(Swift && Objective-c). :-)
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753. Applocker
AppLocker - simple lock screen for iOS Application ( Swift 4+, iOS 9.0+) Touch ID / Face ID
754. Macos Netflix
A lightweight macOS wrapper for browsing and watching Netflix.
755. Cocoapods Generate
A CocoaPods plugin that allows you to easily generate a workspace from a podspec.
756. Updates
📲 Automatically detects app updates and seamlessly prompts users to upgrade.
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757. Swift Nio Ssh
SwiftNIO SSH is a programmatic implementation of SSH using SwiftNIO
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758. Swiftui Changelog
A repository to track changes in the SwiftUI generated interface.
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759. Mpmovieplayercontroller Subtitles
Easy way to show SRT files on MPMoviePlayerController
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760. Uritemplate.swift
Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
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761. Swiftyexpandingcells
Inspired by Google Inbox. Example Swift 4 Xcode 9 project which demonstrates the use of a custom UIViewController transition of an expanding UITableView cell effect while pushing a new item on to the navigation stack. Popping the item back off the UINavigationController reverses the exploding UITableViewCell effect.
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762. Reactor
Powering your RAC architecture
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764. Doctorpretty
Wadler's "A prettier printer" embedded pretty-printer DSL for Swift
765. Instagramclone
A detailed clone of the Instagram app built with the Firebase database
766. Opencore Configurator
A configurator for the OpenCore Bootloader
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767. Mems
Utils for viewing memory in Swift.
768. Turbo Ios
iOS framework for making Turbo native apps
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769. Swift Cheat Sheet
A short guide to using Apple's new programming language, Swift.
770. Scalararithmetic
Better interoperability between different numerical types by using operator overloading and implicit casts conversions
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771. Moya
Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
773. Softu2f
Software U2F authenticator for macOS
774. Filekit
Simple and expressive file management in Swift
775. Licensegenerator Ios
Build script that recursively searches for LICENSE files and generates a Settings.bundle friendly plist.
776. Cleanclosurexcode
An Xcode Source Editor extension to clean the closure syntax.
777. Bentomap
Map Clustering for Swift.
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778. Mcpicker Ios
McPicker is a customizable, closure driven UIPickerView drop-in solution with animations that is rotation ready.
779. Atgmediabrowser
Image slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, with ability to create new transitions with ease.
780. Chalk
Terminal colors using Swift 5’s string interpolation extensions.
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781. Ddperspectivetransform
🔲 Warp image transformation
782. Gitbuddy
Your buddy in managing and maintaining GitHub repositories, and releases. Automatically generate changelogs from issues and merged pull-requests.
783. Health Macos Swiftui Example
Health app macOS Big Sur built in SwiftUI
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784. Bezierstring
Rendering NSAttributedStrings along arbitrary UIBezierPaths
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785. Parselivequery Ios Osx
Parse LiveQuery Client for iOS/OS X.
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786. Learningopengles2
Learning OpenGL ES 2 in Swift
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788. Mast
A beautiful Mastodon app for iOS
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789. Bschart
BSChart is a simple and useful chart library written on Swift
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791. Gpuimage3
GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
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792. Kanna
Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.
795. Swifttheme
🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 9+ 主题/换肤, 暗色模式
796. Sfbpopovers
Customizable popover windows for macOS
797. Iosanimationsample
This app is an iOS Animation playground to exercise different iOS Animations. The app is written in Swift.
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798. Googleplacessearchcontroller
Google Places autocompleting address search controller
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800. Ttgbingwallpaper
Mac menubar app. Automate download daily picture from Microsoft Bing website and set it as your wallpaper. Written in Swift3.
751-800 of 15915 swift projects