Top 543 Twig open source projects

454. - turning issue queues into kanban boards to better Drupalkind
455. paymentsuite
E-commerce payment components for symfony2
456. gw-starter-kit
PEPELAC - Современный инструментарий для вёрстки и создания статичных сайтов с использованием Webpack
457. jissues
Issue tracking application extending GitHub's issues and pull requests for the Joomla! project.
Website for TYPO3's Download Area
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459. BroCart-MULTISTORE-v3.x
The most SEO friendly and fastest CMS based on OpenCart framework
460. jitsi-admin
Organize and fully controll your jitsi meet meetings. Make your meeting secure and be sure that only you and your fellows can join your meeting.
461. demo-auction
Source code for SlimPHP + ReactJS workshop
462. validatar
Functional testing framework for Big Data pipelines.
463. composer-packages
Composer Packages is a Composer plugin for getting information about installed packages in your project.
464. pdns-symfony
A Symfony-based web management interface for Powerdns
465. framework
[READ-ONLY] Core of Shopsys Framework - open source framework for building large, scalable, fast-growing e-commerce projects based on Symfony
466. shopify-mail-notifications
Blazing-fast Shopify mail notifications templating environment with Liquid, MJML and Twig
467. ethereal
HTML5UP Ethereal Template For Pico CMS
468. DataDogAuditBundle
Stores all database changes for doctrine ORM
469. crossword
The game is implemented as an example of scalable and high load architecture combined with modern software development practices
470. craft3-forms
This craft CMS 3 form plugin makes it easy to create and use custom forms with the features the Yii 2 Framework offers. On top of this, the plugin provides even more functionalities for easy implementation of forms in twig templates.
472. hub3-api
An API for creating 2D barcodes in HUB3 format
473. SyliusProductBundlePlugin
This plugin allows you to create new products by bundling existing products together.
474. koillection
Koillection is a self-hosted service allowing users to manage any kind of collections.
475. ez-support-tools
eZ Support Tools Bundle, provides functionality for system information and in the future tools for identifying issues.
476. graviton
A Symfony based framework to generate REST services from JSON service definition files.
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477. apigee-api-catalog-drupal
Manage your API catalog within Drupal's content management approach
480. WebsocketAppDemo
Demo of GosWebSocketBundle
481. SonataDashboardBundle
[Abandoned] Provides a Dashboard management through container and block services
482. oe theme
OpenEuropa Drupal 8 theme based on the Europa Component Library
484. swag-docs-bundle-example
Example plugin for Shopware platform
485. Jedisjeux
Boardgames website, based on Symfony framework and Sylius.
486. tag-manager
Website analytics, JavaScript error tracking + analytics, tag manager, data ingest endpoint creation (tracking pixels). GDPR + CCPA compliant.
487. search
[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Search module.
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490. ui patterns
[NOTE] Development has moved to
491. craft3-plugin-sitemap
A craft 3 plugin that provides an easy way to enable and manage an XML sitemap for search engines like Google
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492. timber-starter-theme-webpack
The "_s" for Timber: a dead-simple theme that you can build from. Now with Webpack!
493. alps
ALPS is the Adventist Living Pattern System, a design pattern library for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
496. UF FormGenerator
Form Generator sprinkle for Userfrosting 4
498. craft-position-fieldtype
Brings back the Position fieldtype from Craft 2
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499. simplesamlphp-module-oidc
A SimpleSAMLphp module adding support for the OpenID Connect protocol
451-500 of 543 Twig projects