PackerPacker helpers and templates for Docker, IIS, SQL Server and Visual Studio on Windows and Ubuntu
Tds fdwA PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper to connect to TDS databases (Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server)
Tsql ParserLibrary Written in C# For Parsing SQL Server T-SQL Scripts in .Net
Sql Server First Responder Kitsp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, and other SQL Server scripts for health checks and performance tuning.
ObevoObevo is a database deployment tool that handles enterprise scale schemas and complexity
DenunciadoThis project born from the need from people to have a way of communication between municipalities and communities. Some municipalities, have their platforms, but they are complex to validate the veracity of complaints. Denounced, it was born with the purpose of offering a free platform to these municipalities. Denounced consists of three main modules developed with Microsoft technologies, using the .Net Framework and Xamarin for its development: 1. Back End Web Project: Module of administration of the complaints, by the employees of the town councils. In this tool, the employees of the city council receive, validate, report and close the complaints, after being served. 2. Web Portal Client: It consists of a web project, so that the community make their complaints, in the same, the users of the service create a profile, must specify when making their complaint, evidence to support this. Through the portal, they can see the complaints of other community members, follow it, give their opinion or provide possible solutions or more evidence. 3. Mobile Project: It has the same functionalities as the web portal, with the addition, that the automatic location can be sent, from the cell phone.
NutAdvanced, Powerful and easy to use ORM for Qt
RestdemoRESTful Web Service Demos with Jersey ,Hibernate,Mysql,SQLserver,jQuery,AangularJS,Boostrap. (REST 案例大全)
SqllocaldbSQL LocalDB Wrapper is a .NET library providing interop with the Microsoft SQL Server LocalDB Instance API
TiberiusTDS 7.4 (mssql / Microsoft SQL Server) async driver for rust
QuerybuilderSQL query builder, written in c#, helps you build complex queries easily, supports SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSql, Oracle, Sqlite and Firebird
Msbuild.sdk.sqlprojAn MSBuild SDK that provides similar functionality to SQL Server Data Tools (.sqlproj) projects
Repo 2019BERT, AWS RDS, AWS Forecast, EMR Spark Cluster, Hive, Serverless, Google Assistant + Raspberry Pi, Infrared, Google Cloud Platform Natural Language, Anomaly detection, Tensorflow, Mathematics
Dbatools🚀 SQL Server automation and instance migrations have never been safer, faster or freer
MsphpsqlMicrosoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
XgenecloudXgeneCloud is now
SqlclientNative Microsoft SQL Server client for iOS
MinisqlqueryMinimalist SQL Query tool for any .NET DB Provider - SQL, SQLite, SQL CE, Oracle, Access...
Dbwebapi(Migrated from CodePlex) DbWebApi is a .Net library that implement an entirely generic Web API (RESTful) for HTTP clients to call database (Oracle & SQL Server) stored procedures or functions in a managed way out-of-the-box without any configuration or coding.
Eval Sql.netSQL Eval Function | Dynamically Evaluate Expression in SQL Server using C# Syntax
Sql ApiconsumerDatabase Project with generic procedures to consume API through GET/POST methods.
RsqlserverSQL Server DBI for R, based on the jTDS driver
Aceql HttpAceQL HTTP is a framework of REST like http APIs that allow to access to remote SQL databases over http from any device that supports http.
Sqlserver KitUseful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
SyncchangesSynchronize/Replicate database changes using SQL Server Change Tracking
Reporting Services Examples📕 Various example reports I use for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) as well as documents for unit testing, requirements and a style guide template.
Mssql DockerOfficial Microsoft repository for SQL Server in Docker resources
UndercovertoolboxA collection of cool and useful tools, procedures and scripts for the discerning DBA
Spa Api VuejsA Vue.js single page application for basic Management By Objective tasks using ASP .NET Webapi 2 and SQL server
AspnetcorenlogASP.NET Core NLog MS SQL Server PostgreSQL MySQL Elasticsearch
BdsBlockchain data parsing and persisting results
WorkstationsVagrant virtual workstations and development environments with Visual Studio, Docker, IIS and SQL Server on Windows for .NET development
MssqlexMicrosoft SQL Server Adapter for Elixir
ServerThe core infrastructure backend (API, database, Docker, etc).
Naming ConventionTemplates for naming convention - TSQL, JavaScript, C#, R, Python, Powershell
Advpl OrmBiblioteca ORM (Object Relational Mapping) desenvolvida inteiramente em ADVPL para o ERP Protheus
EfcorepowertoolsEntity Framework Core Power Tools - reverse engineering, migrations and model visualization for EF Core
AzuredatastudioAzure Data Studio is a data management tool that enables working with SQL Server, Azure SQL DB and SQL DW from Windows, macOS and Linux.
SqlcetoolboxSQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension for Visual Studio, SSMS (and stand alone)
Beekeeper StudioModern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
Tiny tdsTinyTDS - Simple and fast FreeTDS bindings for Ruby using DB-Library.
SqlquerystressSQL query stress simulator created by Adam Machanic
MixerpOpen Source ERP, HRM, MRP, MPS
Go Mysql ServerA MySQL-compatible relational database with a storage agnostic query engine. Implemented in pure Go.