All Git Users → EvanBacon

34 open source projects by EvanBacon

3. Expo Native Firebase
🔥 Native Firebase Expo App (iOS, Android) Demo for Firestore, Notifications, Analytics, Storage, Messaging, Database 🚨
6. Expo Dark Mode Switch
A beautiful React dark mode switch component for iOS, Android, and Web
8. Snake
🐍🎮 Snake game made with Expo & PIXI.js 👾 iOS, Android, and Web
10. React Native Pixi
✭ 58
11. Sunset Cyberspace
🎮👾Retro-runner Game made in Expo, Three.js, OpenGL, WebGL, Tween. 🕹
13. Expo Crossy Road
🐥🚙 Crossy Road game clone made in Expo (iOS, Android, web), THREE.js, Tween, React Native. 🐔
16. react-navigation-web-responsive-tabs-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 20
17. expo-zip-code
This app shows you the bounds of the zip code you are in!
✭ 15
18. expo-three-orbit-controls
🎥 Three.js Orbit Controls (Camera) bridged into React Native
19. react-flappy-bird
A side-scroller where the player controls a bird, attempting to fly between columns of green pipes without hitting them.
23. metro-minify-esbuild
Use ESBuild to make your React Native code bundle faster.
✭ 102
24. ExpoKit-Fastlane-Example
How to publish your ios ExpoKit app with fastlane
28. Cel-Shader
SceneKit Cel Shader Example
✭ 18
31. react-native-pantry-storage
Persist values in `AsyncStorage` with expiration dates.
✭ 37
32. expo-three-template
Template for building three.js apps in expo
33. apple-notes
A clone of the Apple Notes app but made universally with Expo
34. react-bluetooth
Web Bluetooth API in React
1-34 of 34 user projects