All Git Users → bahmutov

95 open source projects by bahmutov

1. Babel Service
On demand targeted transpiling inside the browser's ServiceWorker
✭ 207
2. Dont Break
Checks if the current version of your package would break dependent projects
3. Express Service
Package ExpressJS server to run inside a ServiceWorker
✭ 190
4. Snap Shot
Jest-like snapshot feature for the rest of us, works magically by finding the right caller function
5. Pre Git
Automatically install pre-commit / pre-push hooks in your git repo
6. Now Pipeline
Simple CI pipeline with goal to deploy new version at Zeit Now cloud if tests pass
7. Snap Shot It
Smarter snapshot utility for Mocha and BDD test runners + data-driven testing!
8. Code Snippets
Chrome DevTools code snippets
9. Draw Cycle
Simple Cycle.js application visualized: streams, events, DOM
✭ 136
10. Console.table
Adds console.table method that prints an array of objects as a table in console
11. Npm Module Checklist
Steps to check when starting, working and publishing a module to NPM
12. Cache Require Paths
Caches resolved paths in module require to avoid Node hunting for right module. Speeds up app load.
✭ 124
13. Cypress And Jest
Cypress and Jest both with code coverage running unit tests
14. Cypress Svelte Unit Test
Unit testing Svelte components in Cypress E2E test runner
15. Cypress Skip And Only Ui
Client-side buttons to run a single test or skip it for Cypress test runner
✭ 111
16. Really Need
Node require wrapper with options for cache busting, pre- and post-processing
17. Npm Quick Run
Quickly run NPM script by prefix without typing the full name
18. Add Typescript To Cypress
Quickly adds TypeScript spec support to Cypress
19. Cypress Dark
Dark and Halloween color themes for test runner
20. Cypress Select Tests
User space solution for picking Cypress tests to run
✭ 88
21. Cy Api
Cypress custom command "cy.api" for end-to-end API testing
✭ 79
22. Have It
The fastest NPM install does nothing because you already have it
23. Game Of Github
Play Game of Life in your GitHub contributions
24. Git Branches
Bash shell to show current branches and their descriptions using only default Git features
✭ 73
25. Talks
Public presentations
✭ 63
26. Lazy Ass
Lazy node assertions without performance penalty
27. Changed Log
Returns all commit messages between 2 versions of an NPM module
28. Js Complexity Viz
JavaScript source code complexity tool
✭ 57
29. Functional Pipeline
Quickly chain method calls, property access and functions into a pipeline
✭ 47
30. Ng Simple Webrtc
AngularJS wrapper for SimpleWebRTC client from
✭ 42
31. Instant Vdom Todo
Prehydrated, self-rewriting TodoMVC using Virtual-Dom and bottle-service
✭ 38
32. Bdd Stdin
Utility for easily feeding mock responses to unit tests that require command line input from the user
✭ 37
33. Condition Circle
Checks CircleCI environment before publishing successful build using semantic-release
34. Change By Example
Finds a function that transforms a given object into another given object.
35. Test Todomvc Using App Actions
Example Cypress tests going from page objects to app actions
✭ 30
36. Start Server And Test
Starts server, waits for URL, then runs test command; when the tests end, shuts down server
37. Caches Storage
It is just like localStorage - but built on top of Cache API
✭ 11
38. Liverage
Makes your code coverage a real time live source
39. Connect Slow
Middleware to delay answering requests based on request url, useful to diagnose website behavior based on load delays
40. D3 Helpers
Little utility D3 functions
✭ 25
41. Was Tested
JavaScript code coverage proxy
✭ 16
42. Little Store
Super simple curried storage in a given plain object when you just must have mutable state
43. Bottle Service
Instant web applications restored from ServiceWorker cache
✭ 321
44. Npm Install
GitHub Action for install npm dependencies with caching without any configuration
45. Javascript Journey
Source code for blog post Journey from procedural to reactive JavaScript with stops
46. cypress-angular-unit-test
Trying to load and bootstrap Angular component dynamically inside Cypress
47. redux-vs-rethinkdb
Immutable Redux "store" is just a database
✭ 14
48. compiled
Compiles the ES* bundle to your NodeJS version on install
✭ 41
49. csrf-login
Login from command line to the websites that use CSRF protection
50. vue-vuex-todomvc
Example TodoMVC Vue.js app with Vuex store and server backend via REST
1-50 of 95 user projects