Top 71 now open source projects

Flask Boilerplate
Simple flask boilerplate with Postgres, Docker, and Heroku/Zeit now
Kue Scheduler
A job scheduler utility for kue, backed by redis and built for node.js
Awesome Now
Awesome list of `` deployments.
✭ 230
Twitter Bot Bootstrap
Twitter bot bootstrap 👢 using node and twit 🐦
Now Env
Use `now.json` environment variables while developing
Now Client
A JavaScript wrapper for the Now Instant API
Vercel Rust
Community based builder for using rust on the now/zeit platform
Next I18next
The easiest way to translate your NextJs apps.
Now Ui Dashboard
Now UI Dashboard - Open Source Admin Template
Generator Micro Service
🛫 Yeoman generator to kick-start your microservice with `micro` and `ava`!
Now Pipeline
Simple CI pipeline with goal to deploy new version at Zeit Now cloud if tests pass
Micro Medium Api
Microservice for fetching the latest posts of Medium with GraphQL.
Create React App Now
Hello, create-react-app, meet Zeit's awesome service.
Nextjs Vercel Firebase
Next.js app using API routes to connect with Firestore.
Stage Ci
Automatic deploy previews for your PRs using
One click deploys to △ now
React Antd Admin
Now Logs
realtime logging for now -
Now Storage
Use Now static deployments to upload and store files.
Action Badges
🛡⚡️ A README badge service for GitHub Actions
React Semantic Ui Sortable Table Example
A small demo for sortable tables of React Semantic UI.
Kap Now
Kap plugin - Share on ▲ZEIT now
🌎 A Production-level Single Page App with Server Side Rendering
Dashboard Server
A JSON file RESTful API with authorization based on json-server
Now Purge
Remove now deployments without an alias
Make continuous deployment delightful. Deploy and preview your apps for each pull request with Plek. 🇳🇱
Now Clear
A utility to delete all zeit now instances that aren't aliased
Jwt Example
Playing with user registration, login/logout, auth, etc using JWTs, serverless functions & faunadb as the data store.
Markdown rendering as a service.
Tencent Now
🔥🔥🔥iOS视频直播:仿腾讯旗下 < NOW > 直播 斗鱼 抖音 火山视频 花椒 熊猫 YY 陌陌 映客 直播APP iOS Live video
Now Builders
Official Now Builders created by the ZEIT team
Vercel Builder
Vercel Builder for Nuxt.js
Vercel Php
▲ Vercel PHP runtime • vercel-php • now-php • 🐘+ λ = ❤
CLI tool for dead-simple serverless Docker deployments on managed Kubernetes services. A self-hosted PaaS. ⚡️
🛍🛒 Full-stack React/Prisma/TS/GraphQL E-Commerce Example
Micro Proxy
[DEPRECATED] Simplest proxy server for microservices
Core Nestjs
A simple application demonstrating the basic usage of permissions with NestJS (JWT, Passport, Facebook, Google+, User, Group, Permission)
Meteor Now
Instantly deploy your Meteor apps with `meteor-now`
Covid19 Brazil Api
API com dados atualizados sobre o status do COVID-19 🦠
Local development cluster with "now" path aliases syntax support. Allows running multiple microservices as one solid server.
Get geoip information with an API call.
🎶Curated live concerts from famous Brazilian artists.
📝 Custom domains for your public Notion pages
[WIP] Deploy docs with a single command using Now
Chain Express middlewares with Vercel (ex-ZEIT) Now serverless functions.
now dashboard
▲ZEIT dashboard written in elm
🐳 A minimal Docker container for Craft CMS, intended for use with zeit-now.
Docker compose for zeit now. [deprecated]
Microservice for communicating between Contentful and Shopify
Static site generator powered by TypeScript, MDX, & React.
💌 ⚡️ The mailto encoder
ZEIT Now v2.0 builder for custom AWS Lambda runtimes
Small microservice that unfurls a URL and returns the OpenGraph meta data
1-60 of 71 now projects