BusBus 是一个基础框架、服务套件,它基于Java8编写,参考、借鉴了大量已有框架、组件的设计,可以作为后端服务的开发基础中间件。代码简洁,架构清晰,非常适合学习使用。
Mapper🔥 An Object-Object AutoMapper for TypeScript 🔥
NgmlrNGMLR is a long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (standard and ultra-long) to a reference genome with a focus on reads that span structural variations
Batmap🦇 Convention-based, fast object mapper.
Spring Boot SeedSpringBoot骨架项目,集成SpringBoot、Mybatis、Druid、Mapper、PageHelper、Redis、Shiro、Swagger2、Log4j2等技术
MongodmA golang object document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB
MapperA simple and easy go tools for auto mapper map to struct, struct to map, struct to struct, slice to slice, map to slice, map to json.
OrmiA Light-ORM for accesing WMI
Jmapper CoreElegance, high performance and robustness all in one java bean mapper
BullBULL - Bean Utils Light Library
Awesome Python ModelsA curated list of awesome Python libraries, which implement models, schemas, serializers/deserializers, ODM's/ORM's, Active Records or similar patterns.
MapsterA fast, fun and stimulating object to object Mapper
OurbatisEnhancement tools that make the development of Mybatis easier.
Mapper🌍 Transforms arrays using an object composition DSL.
RepodbA hybrid ORM library for .NET.
Object MapperObjectMapper is a class for automatic object mapping in Python
Change By ExampleFinds a function that transforms a given object into another given object.
PerformanceIn diesem Repository befinden sich Projekte rund um das Thema Performanz.
Mappinggenerator🔄 "AutoMapper" like, Roslyn based, code fix provider that allows to generate mapping code in design time.
MapperMybatis Common Mapper - Easy to use
P MapMap over promises concurrently
RxfirebaseRxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google's Android Firebase library.
Giotto TdaA high-performance topological machine learning toolbox in Python
SimpleflatmapperFast and Easy mapping from database and csv to POJO. A java micro ORM, lightweight alternative to iBatis and Hibernate. Fast Csv Parser and Csv Mapper
Ssm booksystemssm demo,ssm详细教程,SSM简明教程:简单的十步教你搭建人生第一个SSM框架[ SSM框架整合教程(spring+spring mvc+mybatis+redis+maven+idea+bootstrap) ]
AgilemapperA zero-configuration, highly-configurable, unopinionated object mapper with viewable execution plans. Flattens, unflattens, deep clones, merges, updates and projects queries. Targets .NET 3.5+ and .NET Standard 1.0+
Npoi.mapperUse this tool to import or export data with Excel file. The tool is a convention based mapper between strong typed object and Excel data via NPOI.
Morphism⚡ Type-safe data transformer for JavaScript, TypeScript & Node.js.
SerpentA protocol to serialize Swift structs and classes for encoding and decoding.
FlatfilesReads and writes CSV, fixed-length and other flat file formats with a focus on schema definition, configuration and speed.
Poiji🍬 A tiny library converting excel rows to a list of Java objects based on Apache POI
smartstructDart Code Generator for generating mapper classes
SimpleCurd2个类,实现类ActiveRecord,无需写Mapper, mybatis增强
RecordParserZero Allocation Writer/Reader Parser for .NET Core
UltraMapperA fast and lightweight object-to-object .NET mapper.
OverseerTool for analyzing Starcraft 2 maps by region decomposition
awesome-maps-ukraineA curated list of maps of Ukraine, ukrainian mappers and tools that they use or develop for creating and publish maps
Detached-MapperAn ORM friendly mapper. Allows saving entire entity graphs. Heavily inspired in GraphDiff and AutoMapper.
NeoClient🦉 Lightweight OGM for Neo4j which support transactions and BOLT protocol.
Excel2Objectexcel convert to .NET Object | Excel与.NET 对象进行转换,支持公式、多Sheet等功能
VenflowA brand new, fast and lightweight ORM, build for PostgreSQL.
tectonicusTectonicus is a high detail Minecraft world mapper focused on creating zoomable maps that look very close to what you see in Minecraft.