Object Oriented Programming Using PythonPython is a multi-paradigm programming language. Meaning, it supports different programming approach. One of the popular approach to solve a programming problem is by creating objects. This is known as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
TiddlyresearchLocal and Anki-compatible note-taking tool based on TiddlyWiki
Plugin.localnotificationThe local notification plugin provides a way to show local notifications from Xamarin Forms apps .
Hotel🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
MoneydConnect your machine to the Interledger
Lggan[CVPR 2020] Local Class-Specific and Global Image-Level Generative Adversarial Networks for Semantic-Guided Scene Generation
Mrthumb【拇指先生】 a simple easy video thumbnail provider,顺滑的获取视频缩略图,支持本地和网络视频,有问题大胆提Issues
Tuyapi🌧 An easy-to-use API for devices that use Tuya's cloud services. Documentation: https://codetheweb.github.io/tuyapi.
FeatherpasswordmanagerHighly portable extremely light-weight password manager that stores all your passwords in a local encrypted file.
JaleJale is a blazing fast local development environment for MacOS written in Typescript.
Dotenv FlowLoads environment variables from .env.[development|test|production][.local] files for Node.js® projects.
Dynamon😈 Dynamon is GUI client for DynamoDB, can connect local dynamodb.
Previs🎯 Testing your project locally in a clean environment.
Android NosqlLightweight, simple structured NoSQL database for Android
LandoA development tool for all your projects that is fast, easy, powerful and liberating
TrellisWordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.0, Composer, WP-CLI and more
carinaCarina: an high performance and ops-free local storage for kubernetes
po-utilClassic Edition of po-util: The Ultimate Local Particle Experience for Linux and macOS
facebook-send-api-emulatorFacebook Messenger Emulator & Facebook Send API Emulator functionality allowing you to test web hooks on developer's machine.
findip🔧 Python Script For Finding All Available Local IP Addresses
local-data-apiData API for local, you can write unittest for AWS Aurora Serverless's Data API
OSCESome exploits, which I’ve created during my OSCE preparation.
tonos-seLocal Node for Everscale DApp development and testing
local-browserShare your localhost in a new way (peer to peer browser)
angular-http-cacheSpeed up your remote requests by automatically caching them on client and add support for offline navigation.
deadlinesA simple, offline deadline tracker made with Vue.js and localForage.
muxnectSend input to just about any interactive command-line tool through a local web server
LibrarianEasily host your iOS and Android builds locally!
wp-cli-dev🛠 WP-CLI development environment that allows for easy development across all packages
localchatInstant loginless chats with people that share an IP with you.
not-ubereatsThis website was created to help showcase local restaurants in Toronto who offer their own delivery service.
emacs-antiproxy🔓 anti proxy/firewall setup using git repo mirrors of package archives. (local melpa)
secret-local-storageA wrapper around 'localStorage/sessionStorage' to provide storage encryption with libsodium
relcommand line tool for managing personal graphs of anything and writing them to dot
react-stateReact-State - Superpowers for managing local and reusable state in React
server-commandLaunches PHP's built-in web server for a specific WordPress installation.
devproxyA local development http proxy with hosts spoofing written in Go
data-api-suiteMonorepo that includes libraries, Serverless Framework plugins and development tools to simplify and enhance the development, deployment and use of the Data API for Aurora Serverless.
mst-persistPersist and hydrate MobX-state-tree stores (in < 100 LoC)