Top 216 books open source projects

Free Programming Books
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Cs Books
📚 Computer Science Books 计算机技术类书籍 PDF
From 0 To Research Scientist Resources Guide
Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation.
Awesome Algorithm Books
📚 awesome algorithm books I've collected 【不定期更新】 搜集整理的算法书籍(经典算法、ML/DL算法、面试算法、比赛算法等)
Awesome Database Learning
A list of learning materials to understand databases internals
The guide to decoupling feature rollout from code deployment for feature flag-driven development. Feature flags give a software organization the power to reduce risk, iterate quicker, and get more control.
Book Notes
Notes from books and other interesting things that I've read. Table of contents at the end 👇
Download books from,,, and
✭ 206
A list of philosophy books and resources.
Awesome Books
📚 开发者推荐阅读的书籍
🔖 ⭐️ Collection of public dev bookmarks, shared with ❤️ from
books-tech、PPT、or something
Book list
Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science Books
Cs Books
A list of textbooks for a Computer Science curriculum.
Awesome Biology
Curated (meta)list of resources for Biology.
Study Blockchain Referrence
Latex Koma Template
Generic template for midsize and larger documents based on KOMA script classes.
Create books from WhatsApp group chats with Python and LaTeX
Influential Cs Books
Most influential books on Computer Science/programming
Refactoring Summary 2nd Javascript
Summary of "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition)" by Martin Fowler
Cs Books Pdf
编程电子书pdf,计算机常用电子书整理(高质量/附下载链接)包括 Java, Python, Linux, Go, C, C++, 数据结构与算法, AI人工智能, 计算机基础, 面试, 设计模式, 数据库, 前端等编程书籍。
Meteorological Books
Asciidoc Book Toolchain
Book publishing toolchain based on AsciiDoc
MarkdownSlides is a Reveal.js and PDF slides generator from MARKDOWN files, that also generate HTML, EPUB and DOCX documents. The idea is that from a same MARKDOWN file we can get slides and books without worrying about style, just worrying about content.
My slides and notes
✭ 121
Almighty Book Downloader
Curated resources
📚 Curated lists for programming, books, movies, music, games, etc
Reading Material
List of some useful blogs, books, courses, papers etc. 📚
Awesome Programming Books
📚 A curated list of awesome programming books (Algorithms and data structures, Artificial intelligence, Software Architecture, Human–computer interaction, Operating Systems, Database Systems, IT Security, Concurrency, Interpreters and Compilers, High-Performance Computing, Distributed Systems, Game Development, Mathematical optimization)
Awesome Resources
Awesome resources for coding and learning: open source projects, websites, books e.g.
Best Websites A Programmer Should Visit
🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
From Junior To Senior
My study plan for going from junior to senior software developer
Space Reads
A big list of space book and whitepaper recommendations.
Awesome Visual Slam
📚 The list of vision-based SLAM / Visual Odometry open source, blogs, and papers
Awesome Programming Books
Frontend Books
📚 list of free books about front-end development
Kubernetes Up And Running Notes
Notes from the book Kubernetes Up and Running
List of Golang books
Awesome Ios Resource
📱 A curated list of awesome iOS resources, including conferences, books, blogs, articles, websites and documentations
Dictionary of Ukrainian counterparts for technical terms
Personal Goals
List of books I've read, projects I've done, videos I've seen, articles I've read or podcasts I've listened to.
📘 前端开发-学习资料库 (开源书籍,规范,博客社区,面试题)。前端开发者,是这个互联网时代不可缺少的角色,我们彼此相爱,我们共同学习。
The Python Standard Library By Example
《Python3 标准库》电子书和配套代码 "The Python Standard Library by Example" ebook and source code 一本又厚又全的讲解Python3标准库的书籍(1000多页)适合当作字典参考或者闲暇时慢慢阅读。
Awesome Space Books
A list of space exploration related books (some are online, some are on paper)
Snipit allows you to capture and save interesting sections from any source of information. Be it textbooks, journals, computer screens, photographs, flyers, writings on a whiteboard, etc.
1-60 of 216 books projects