Api.gouv.frListe les API disponibles au sein de l'administration française
Govuk Design SystemOne place for service teams to find styles, components and patterns for designing government services.
JuriscraperAn API to scrape American court websites for metadata.
Design SystemOpen source design and front-end development resources for creating Section 508 compliant, responsive, and consistent websites.
RsocrataProvides easier interaction with Socrata open data portals http://dev.socrata.com. Users can provide a 'Socrata' data set resource URL, or a 'Socrata' Open Data API (SoDA) web query, or a 'Socrata' "human-friendly" URL, returns an R data frame. Converts dates to 'POSIX' format. Manages throttling by 'Socrata'.
Datasets For GoodList of datasets to apply stats/machine learning/technology to the world of social good.
Developers.italia.itThe developer community designing and developing public digital services in Italy
WelcomeInformation on joining the government community — a collaborative community for sharing best practices in furtherance of open source, open data, and open government efforts.
Data.govData.gov source code and issue tracker
GmanA ruby gem to check if the owner of a given email address or website is working for THE MAN (a.k.a verifies government domains).
CaseflowCaseflow is a web application that enables the tracking and processing of appealed claims at the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
Ehealth.apiIndex page and integration layer for projects that related to Ukrainian Health Services government institution
Open Data Etl Utility KitUse Pentaho's open source data integration tool (Kettle) to create Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes to update a Socrata open data portal. Documentation is available at http://open-data-etl-utility-kit.readthedocs.io/en/stable
Code.milAn experiment in open source at the Department of Defense.
Government.github.comGather, curate, and feature stories of public servants and civic hackers using GitHub as part of their open government innovations
Prosecutor DatabaseAn open-source, community oversight dataset of all U.S. Prosecutors. Happy Hacktoberfest 🎃
SaplSistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo
Nase StrategieChceme mít náš stát konečně rádi a být na něj hrdí. Možná je to utopie... ale do 10 let začne upadat automobilový průmysl a naší zemi zbyde jen černý humor a "vyvezení talenti" za hranice. Je třeba nastartovat změnu, která udělá naše společenské a ekonomické prostředí nejatraktivnějším na světě.
DecidimThe participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails
Factbook.jsonWorld Factbook Country Profiles in JSON - Free Open Public Domain Data - No API Key Required ;-)
UswdsThe U.S. Web Design System helps the federal government build fast, accessible, mobile-friendly websites.
jitsi-boxA Raspberry Pi based box to automate holding hybrid conferences with Jitsi
pancakeMaking npm work for the front end and the Australian Government Design System.
shc-extractorExtract the JSON payload from SHC QR codes (i.e Québec Covid Vaccination QR Codes)
dev.cityofchicago.orgDeveloper resources provided by the City of Chicago and sister agencies and get technical updates from the developer blog.
civicstackA repository for open source civic tools from many countries and organizations
plainlanguage.govA resource to help federal employees write in plain language and comply with the Plain Writing Act of 2010
data-assistantArcGIS Pro Add-in that assists in emergency management, local government and state government data aggregation workflows.
AI-PrinciplesAlpha principles for the ethical use of AI and Data Driven Technologies in Ontario | Proposition de principes pour une utilisation éthique des technologies axées sur les données en Ontario
code-govAn informative repo for all Code.gov repos
atlasUGRC's boilerplate for JavaScript applications.
covid-19-self-assessmentThe tool takes the public through a series of questions to inform those who are concerned they may have contracted COVID-19.
NYCOpenRecordsA web application to submit and view Freedom of Information Law requests
sanskari-proxyA proxy for security researchers outside India to access Indian government websites without resorting to shady VPNs.
311New web portal for BOS:311
uswds-jekyllA Jekyll theme showcasing the U.S. Web Design System
open-source-logiciel-libreOpen Source Software Requirements and Guidance (Draft) - Exigences et guides liés aux logiciels libres (Ébauche)
FinMeshA python package that brings together financial and economic data.