Top 75 exercises open source projects

Practices Of The Python Pro
Examples and exercises for Practices of the Python Pro from Manning Books 🐍📘
Learn gnugrep ripgrep
Example based guide to mastering GNU grep and ripgrep
This repository provides everything you need to get started with Python for (social science) research.
Abap Platform Rap Opensap
Samples for the openSAP course "Building Apps with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming model (RAP)."
Pyneng Examples Exercises
Задания и примеры из книги "Python для сетевых инженеров"
Mumuki Laboratory
🔬 Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback
Rust In Action
Rust in Action book exercises
1000+ Hand-Crafted Go Examples, Exercises, and Quizzes
JavaScript Algorithm Visualization library
A collection of coding exercises to be completed in conjunction the lessons available on
GHOSTS is a user simulation framework for highly-complex, realistic NPC orchestration
Programming Exercises
Programming Exercises about Interesting Topics
University course material for Algorithms and Data Structures in Java, with a particular emphasis on software testing. Includes exercises, with solutions.
Python Hierarchical Clustering Exercises
Exercises for hierarchical clustering with Python 3 and scipy as Jupyter Notebooks
Python Beginner Programming Exercises
Practice your Python programming skills with this interactive and auto-graded set of exercises.
4clojure Answers answers
Rs Samples
Collection of small, well-commented Rust samples to learn Rust.
Div2 2018 19
A repository containing Workshop Slides, Problem Sets and Solution for Competitive Programming at McGill's Division 2 training in the 2018-2019 academic year.
Machine Learning With Python
Small scale machine learning projects to understand the core concepts . Give a Star 🌟If it helps you. BONUS: Interview Bank coming up..!
Numpy 100
100 numpy exercises (with solutions)
Py regular expressions
Learn Python Regular Expressions step by step from beginner to advanced levels
Learn gnuawk
Example based guide to mastering GNU awk
Learn the Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
Learn you how to write your first bash script
Bartosz Basics Of Haskell
Code and exercises from Bartosz Milewski's Basics of Haskell Tutorial
Python Lessons
Exercises and code snippets to share with my students
Learning Go Book in mmark
Php Interview Exercises
Some exercises to practice whiteboard interview questions in PHP.
Exercises answers
计算机网络:自顶向下方法 (原书第七版)陈鸣译 课后习题参考答案(中文版+英文版);计算机系统基础(第2版)袁春风 课后习题参考答案;操作系统教程(第5版)费翔林 课后习题参考答案;数据结构(用C++描述)殷人昆)课后习题参考答案;算法设计与分析 黄宇 课后习题参考答案;
Intro Node Js
[Course] Code for Introduction to Node.js
Jdk9 Jigsaw
Examples and exercises based on some of the features of jigsaw in JDK9/Jigsaw (Early Access builds)
All of the exercises (and their solutions!) from the Berkeley textbook Simply Scheme.
Implement Some Handy JavaScript Functions From The Ground Up
This is the bulletinboard-ads sample application code used in the openSAP course: Cloud-Native Development with SAP Business Technology Platform (formerly SAP Cloud Platform).
Desafios resolvidos de Python do Canal Curso em Vídeo.
Exercises for those who want to learn Object Oriented Programming in C++ 🔥
Mejora tu lógica de programación y aprende mucho más resolviendo estos ejercicios.
learn js regexp
Example based guide to mastering JavaScript regexp
Repository for an article "10 Javascript exercises with arrays"
Coq code and exercises from the Coq'Art book [maintainers=@ybertot,@Casteran]
Build Java applications with the application programming model on SAP Cloud Platform.
Open Public Domain Exercise Dataset in JSON format
Repo containing exercises to learn Elixir
vAPI is Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable API that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios through Exercises.
Information Retrieval algorithms developed in python. To follow the blog posts, click on the link:
Mais de 100 exercícios resolvidos do curso de fundamentos de Python 3, ministrado pelo prof. Gustavo Guanabara do Curso em Vídeo.
My Golang training material for testing smaller Go concepts and ideas.
react exercises
Exercises for Rithm School's free online React Fundamentals course
A book of questions for practise in Rust
julia koans
Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Julia code!
Code examples and exercises for Safari LiveTraining course.
1-60 of 75 exercises projects