Top 55 kaldi open source projects

Kaldi-based Korean ASR (한국어 음성인식) open-source project
Tools for Speech Enhancement integrated with Kaldi
Kaldi Active Grammar
Python Kaldi speech recognition with grammars that can be set active/inactive dynamically at decode-time
Kaldi Onnx
Kaldi model converter to ONNX
Pytorch Kaldi
pytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding are performed with the kaldi toolkit.
Ctc pytorch
CTC end -to-end ASR for timit and 863 corpus.
A pure python module for reading and writing kaldi ark files
Yet another speech toolkit based on Kaldi and PyTorch
Py Kaldi Asr
Some simple wrappers around kaldi-asr intended to make using kaldi's (online) decoders as convenient as possible.
Speech To Text Russian
Проект для распознавания речи на русском языке на основе pykaldi.
kaldi-asr/kaldi is the official location of the Kaldi project.
Tf Kaldi Speaker
Neural speaker recognition/verification system based on Kaldi and Tensorflow
Kaldi Gop
Computes the GMM-based Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP). Bases on Kaldi.
Vosk Api
Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node
🙊 WIP software for creating speech recognition models.
Pytorch Kaldi Neural Speaker Embeddings
A light weight neural speaker embeddings extraction based on Kaldi and PyTorch.
Factorized Tdnn
PyTorch implementation of the Factorized TDNN (TDNN-F) from "Semi-Orthogonal Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Deep Neural Networks" and Kaldi
An LDA/PLDA estimator using KALDI in python for speaker verification tasks
Ivector Xvector
Extract xvector and ivector under kaldi
Voxceleb Ivector
Voxceleb1 i-vector based speaker recognition system
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Theano Kaldi Rnn
THEANO-KALDI-RNNs is a project implementing various Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for RNN-HMM speech recognition. The Theano Code is coupled with the Kaldi decoder.
Kaldi Io
c++ Kaldi IO lib (static and dynamic).
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Espresso: A Fast End-to-End Neural Speech Recognition Toolkit
The official repository of the Eesen project
Montreal Forced Aligner
Command line utility for forced alignment using Kaldi
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Awesome Kaldi
This is a list of features, scripts, blogs and resources for better using Kaldi ( )
Zamia Speech
Open tools and data for cloudless automatic speech recognition
Asr theory
React Transcript Editor
A React component to make correcting automated transcriptions of audio and video easier and faster. By BBC News Labs. - Work in progress
Vosk Server
WebSocket, gRPC and WebRTC speech recognition server based on Vosk and Kaldi libraries
Vosk Android Demo
Offline speech recognition for Android with Vosk library.
Docker Kaldi Gstreamer Server
Dockerfile for kaldi-gstreamer-server.
Speech Aligner
speech-aligner,是一个从“人声语音”及其“语言文本”,产生音素级别时间对齐标注的工具。speech-aligner, is a tool that generate phoneme-level alignment between human speech and its transcription
mixlingual speech recognition system; hybrid (GMM+NNet) model; Kaldi + Keras
Develop speaker recognition model based on i-vector using TIMIT database
scripts to align a given wave to its transcription using trained models by Kaldi
kaldi helpers
🙊 A set of scripts to use in preparing a corpus for speech-to-text processing with the Kaldi Automatic Speech Recognition Library.
Top level code to transcribe English audio/video files into text/subtitles
WIP: pytorch FFI wrapper for Kaldi chain loss (a.k.a. Lattice Free MMI)
Rust re-implementation of OpenFST - library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). A Python binding is also available.
kaldi ag training
Docker image and scripts for training finetuned or completely personal Kaldi speech models. Particularly for use with kaldi-active-grammar.
A python IO interface for data accessing in kaldi
1-55 of 55 kaldi projects