ConferencesWhat's Upcoming in 2021? - A collection of awesome ruby conferences & camps from around the world - Add your ruby conference or camp!
W3developsThe open source codebase - Learn, build, and meetup with other developers on DISCORD and YOUTUBE
Go Videos RuКаталог докладов, лекций и других видеоматериалов по Go
MeetupsRepositório de encontros da comunidade
Friendsofphp.orgMeet you PHP Friends in more than 1024 PHP groups all over the world!
CallaVirtual Meetups through Jitsi
TalksДоклады с мероприятий #GolangKazan - The open source ticket reservation system for conferences, trade shows, workshops, meetups
H2o MeetupsPresentations from H2O meetups & conferences by the team
meetupMeetups of Rust Taiwan Community
talksАрхив с публичными выступлениями наших сотрудников
APAC-MeetupsA community contributed consolidated list of InfoSec meetups in the Asia Pacific region.
minskpython.github.ioЭто репозиторий для сайта сообщества/митапа ( ). Заявки на доклады размещаются в ДРУГОМ репозитории (TALKS):
meetupsWant to start a Serverless usergroup? We can help you get started and be an official Serverless Usergroup. Join us to be part of the family of many Serverless Usergroups across the world.
meetups📆 A repository to organise virtual meetups to discuss Orleans and other distributed systems programming on .NET
meetups-archivosPpts, códigos y videos de las meetups, data science days, videollamadas y workshops. Data Science Research es una organización sin fines de lucro que busca difundir, descentralizar y difundir los conocimientos en Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial en el Perú, dando oportunidades a nuevos talentos mediante MeetUps, Workshops y Semilleros …
meetupsRepository to gather all presentations from all Nordic Cloud Native meetups
meetupsMeetups realizados periodicamente pela comunidade do DevFSA