Top 61 courses open source projects

Computer Science
🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
Competitive Programming Resources
This repository consists of data helpful for ACM ICPC programming contest, in general competitive programming.
Awesome Certificates
List of free dev courses with certificates & badges.
Machine Learning Workflow With Python
This is a comprehensive ML techniques with python: Define the Problem- Specify Inputs & Outputs- Data Collection- Exploratory data analysis -Data Preprocessing- Model Design- Training- Evaluation
📑Useful resources for developers
Dive Into Machine Learning
Dive into Machine Learning with Python Jupyter notebook and scikit-learn! First posted in 2016, maintained as of 2021. Pull requests welcome.
React Chat Api
📡 API for chat application for DogeCodes React course
Reading Material
List of some useful blogs, books, courses, papers etc. 📚
Awesome Courses
📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
From Junior To Senior
My study plan for going from junior to senior software developer
Flutter Free Courses
The best Courses and Series about Flutter and Dart 💙 available. Totally free 🆓!
Awesome Courses
😏 📄 An awesome list of educational websites, YouTube playlists, channels and books about programming
React Chat
⚛️ Chat application for DogeCodes React course
Start your own online teaching business. Features include course maker, students manager, payments and more.
Go Videos Ru
Каталог докладов, лекций и других видеоматериалов по Go
Maths Learning Path
This is my maths learning path. Best courses I've found to learn calculus, algebra, ...
✭ 47
Repository for public issue-tracking and discussions
Cursos Gratuitos
Cursos gratuitos de programação courses
this is downloadings of all free student subscription courses as pdf from GitHub student pack
Sjtu Courses
✭ 6,847
Computer Science Cn
Awesome Infosec
A curated list of awesome infosec courses and training resources.
A11y Courses
Courses offered in web accessibility (and other learning opportunities)
Awesome Courses
List of free online programming/CS courses [Massive Open Online Courses]
Foxford courses
Шапка треда, посвященного курсам Фоксфорда и не только.
This is a collection of useful game-development links including, but not restricted to, development with MonoGame.
List of awesome free video courses for learning Computer Science!
👨‍🔬 In Russian: Обновляемая структурированная подборка бесплатных ресурсов по тематикам Data Science: курсы, книги, открытые данные, блоги и готовые решения.
Geektime courses sharing repo
Ruby on Rails, course platform with gamification, here you can learn to play. It is classgame.
r4excel users
Бесплатный видео курс "Язык R для пользователей Excel"
Collection of free courses with certificates
This is my physics learning path. Best courses I've found to learn physics online.
IIITDMK Courses Repositories
A collection of course repositories of IIITDM Kancheepuram students
Хранилище за свободно учебно съдържание по програмиране, информатика и ИТ за българските училища
Courses & workshops led by members of the Krishnan Lab.
An awesome list of psychology courses, videos and books. Please, contribute!
[WIP] A chrome extension to download and track Pluralsight courses. 😈
1-60 of 61 courses projects