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Top 42 pascal-voc open source projects

Tensorflow Deeplab Lfov
DeepLab-LargeFOV implemented in tensorflow
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing (CVPR 2018).
Deeplab V2 Resnet 101 Tensorflow
An (re-)implementation of DeepLab v2 (ResNet-101) in TensorFlow for semantic image segmentation on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset.
mean Average Precision - This code evaluates the performance of your neural net for object recognition.
PyTorch Implementation of Stacked U-Nets (SUNets)
Lacmus is a cross-platform application that helps to find people who are lost in the forest using computer vision and neural networks.
How to create custom COCO data set for object detection
Robust Detection Benchmark
Code, data and benchmark from the paper "Benchmarking Robustness in Object Detection: Autonomous Driving when Winter is Coming" (NeurIPS 2019 ML4AD)
Implementation EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection in PyTorch
Review object detection metrics
Review on Object Detection Metrics: 14 object detection metrics including COCO's and PASCAL's metrics. Supporting different bounding box formats.
Fcn Googlenet
GoogLeNet implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation in TensorFlow
Image bbox slicer
This easy-to-use library splits images and its bounding box annotations into tiles, both into specific sizes and into any arbitrary number of equal parts. It can also resize them, both by specific sizes and by a resizing/scaling factor.
Pytorch Auto Drive
Segmentation models (ERFNet, ENet, DeepLab, FCN...) and Lane detection models (SCNN, SAD, PRNet, RESA, LSTR...) based on PyTorch 1.6 with mixed precision training
Tensorflow Deeplab V3 Plus
DeepLabv3+ built in TensorFlow
To speedup and simplify image labeling/ annotation process with multiple supported formats.
Label images and video for Computer Vision applications
Android Yolo
Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network with TensorFlow
Deeplabv3plus Pytorch
DeepLabv3, DeepLabv3+ and pretrained weights on VOC & Cityscapes
This repository contains the source code of our work on designing efficient CNNs for computer vision
Vod Converter
Convert between visual object detection datasets
Pytorch Deeplab
DeepLab-ResNet rebuilt in Pytorch
Exploiting Saliency for Object Segmentation from Image Level Labels, CVPR'17
Implementation of our paper "DMT: Dynamic Mutual Training for Semi-Supervised Learning"
WIDER FACE annotations converted to the Pascal VOC XML format
Official Detectron2 implementation of DA-RetinaNet of our Image and Vision Computing 2021 work 'An unsupervised domain adaptation scheme for single-stage artwork recognition in cultural sites'
Dataset Management Framework, a Python library and a CLI tool to build, analyze and manage Computer Vision datasets.
Tool to evaluate deep-learning detection and segmentation models, and to create datasets
Implementation of Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks using the latest version of PyTorch
pascal voc tools
some tools about pascal voc format dataset
A PyTorch implementation of Spiking-YOLOv3. Two branches are provided, based on two common PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3(ultralytics/yolov3 & eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3), with support for Spiking-YOLOv3-Tiny at present.
Learning to Discover Multi-Class Attentional Regions for Multi-Label Image Recognition
Tools for object detection annotations in machine learning
A simple utility programe to visualize pascal voc (format) dataset images with bounding boxes. Useful to check whether there is any error in forming annotation files.
1-42 of 42 pascal-voc projects