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Top 27 google-colab open source projects

Everything you need in order to get YOLOv3 up and running in the cloud. Learn to train your custom YOLOv3 object detector in the cloud for free!
A project for counting vehicles using YOLOv4 + DeepSORT + Flask + Ngrok + TF2
This is a Google Colab notebook with QBittorrent and Rclone, which can download torrents to Google Drive
Deep Learning Applications (Darknet - YOLOv3, YOLOv4 | DeOldify - Image Colorization, Video Colorization | Face-Recognition) with Google Colaboratory - on the free Tesla K80/Tesla T4/Tesla P100 GPU - using Keras, Tensorflow and PyTorch.
Photo Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network implemented in Keras
Render Blender 3.x and 2.9x scenes with Google Colaboratory
Official Detectron2 implementation of DA-RetinaNet of our Image and Vision Computing 2021 work 'An unsupervised domain adaptation scheme for single-stage artwork recognition in cultural sites'
Trendr App
Twitter Trends history explorer app. Trending topics can be explored by date and location. Backend served with Lambda Function (NodeJS) from AWS. Frontend made with VueJS. Twitter API queried with a Python script from Google Colab. MongoDB database.
Live real-time avatars from your webcam in the browser. No dedicated hardware or software installation needed. A pure Google Colab wrapper for live First-order-motion-model, aka Avatarify in the browser. And other Colabs providing an accessible interface for using FOMM, Wav2Lip and Liquid-warping-GAN with your own media and a rich GUI.
Materials for the Practical Sessions of the Reinforcement Learning Summer School 2019: Bandits, RL & Deep RL (PyTorch).
This Google Colab notebook will help you download any file directly to Google Drive with the help of the JDownloader web interface
TF2 Deep FloorPlan Recognition using a Multi-task Network with Room-boundary-Guided Attention. Enable tensorboard, quantization, flask, tflite, docker, github actions and google colab.
This is my version of
1-27 of 27 google-colab projects