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Top 18 realsense open source projects

Build librealsense 2.0 library on the NVIDIA Jetson TX Development kit. Intel RealSense D400 series cameras.
Intel RealSense 2 support for the Processing framework.
Non-contact real-time heartbeats and respiration monitoring using Artificial Light Texture (ALT).
Capturing volumetric videos with Google Tango, RealSense R200 and Delaunay triangulation
ros openvino
A ROS package to wrap openvino inference engine and get it working with Myriad and GPU
costmap depth camera
This is a costmap plugin for costmap_2d pkg. This plugin supports multiple depth cameras and run in real time.
maplab realsense
Simple ROS wrapper for the Intel RealSense driver with a focus on the ZR300.
Markerless volumetric alignment for depth sensors. Contains the code of the work "Deep Soft Procrustes for Markerless Volumetric Sensor Alignment" (IEEE VR 2020).
SurfaceCast: send background-subtracted depth camera video via GStreamer (with optional perspective correction)
Open library to support Kinect V1 & V2 & Azure, RealSense and OpenNI-compatible sensors.
realsense samples ros
Sample code illustrating how to develop ROS applications using the Intel® RealSense™ ZR300 camera for Object Library (OR), Person Library (PT), and Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM).
Volumetric visual effects program used in Unite Shanghai 2019
Test program for OpenCV DNN object detection with RealSense camera
RealSense SDK 2 Sample Program
OpenGL application for viewing depth and color video streams from Intel RealSense cameras
1-18 of 18 realsense projects