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Top 24 redux-middleware open source projects

Redux Tiles
Composable way to create less verbose Redux code
Redux Saga Thunk
Dispatching an action handled by redux-saga returns promise
Redux Freeze
Redux middleware that prevents state from being mutated anywhere in the app
React Tracker
React specific tracking library, Track user interaction with minimal API!
Redux Actions Assertions
Simplify testing of redux action and async action creators
Redux Callbag
🕺🕺Redux middleware for action side effects with callbag 👉< 1KB
Redux Catch
Error catcher middleware for Redux reducers and sync middlewares Redux
Redux middleware to emit action via
Code Samples
Code samples from The Complete Redux Book
Redux Cookies Middleware
redux-cookies-middleware is a Redux middleware which syncs a subset of your Redux store state with cookies.
Redux Flipper
Redux middleware for React Native for Flipper
Redux Epics Decorator
Dumb decorators for redux & redux-observable & react-redux & redux-actions
Redux Axios Middleware
Redux middleware for fetching data with axios HTTP client
Redux Firebase Middleware
🔌 🔥 Redux firebase middleware for React and React-native
Declare side effects as black boxes in redux: an alternative to redux-thunk, redux-saga, redux-loop, ...
Redux Inspector for flipper (Extensible mobile app debugger).
Persistence layer for redux with flexible backends
1-24 of 24 redux-middleware projects