BusBus 是一个基础框架、服务套件,它基于Java8编写,参考、借鉴了大量已有框架、组件的设计,可以作为后端服务的开发基础中间件。代码简洁,架构清晰,非常适合学习使用。
SockppModern C++ socket library.
Baselibrary🔥Android开发 常用基础公共库(mvp/mvvm/retrofit/rxjava/socket/ble/多语言) 直接下载或依赖即可使用
Chattt❯❯❯ Chat without leaving your terminal
Web SocketLaravel library for asynchronously serving WebSockets.
Pypacker📦 The fastest and simplest packet manipulation lib for Python
Systemjs Hot Reloaderreloads your modules as needed so that you can have satisfyingly fast feedback loop when developing your app
Python Mocketa socket mock framework - for all kinds of socket animals, web-clients included
TcpprobeModern TCP tool and service for network performance observability.
OksocketAn blocking socket client for Android applications.
Socket.coreThis is a socket framework based on C # net standard2.0 write, can be used for .NET Framework / dotnet core assembly, can run in window (IOCP) / linux (epoll) .Use asynchronous connection, asynchronous send, asynchronous receive, Performance burst tables, and pass the stress test. 这是一个基于C# .net standard2.0 写的socket框架,可使用于.net Framework/dotnet core程序集,能在window(IOCP)/linux(epoll)运行.使用异步连接,异步发送,异步接收,性能爆表,并且通过压力测试。
BlockchainA simple implementation of blockchain in java
SocksFully featured SOCKS proxy client supporting SOCKSv4, SOCKSv4a, and SOCKSv5. Includes Bind and Associate functionality.
Zserver4dZServer4D 是一套从商业项目剥离而出的云服务器中间件,可以承载百万级的分布式负载服务,并且支持IoT及内网穿透
Iot Dc3 IOT DC3 is an open source, distributed Internet of Things (IOT) platform based on Spring Cloud. It is used for rapid development of IOT projects and management of IOT devices. It is a set of solutions for IOT system.
ErpcAn efficient, extensible and easy-to-use RPC framework.
Vuesocialsomething like QQ、weibo、weChat(vue+express+socket.io仿微博、微信的聊天社交平台)
KsocketKSOCKET provides a very basic example how to make a network connections in the Windows Driver by using WSK
Nest Status MonitorSimple, self-hosted module based on Socket.io and Chart.js to report realtime server metrics for Nest-based node servers
ApubplatDevops自动化部署、堡垒机开源项目、Web Terminal
ZeroA Lightweight Socket Service with heartbeat, Can be easily used in TCP server development.
ScCommon libraries and data structures for C.
Nettychat基于Netty+TCP+Protobuf实现的Android IM库,包含Protobuf序列化、TCP拆包与粘包、长连接握手认证、心跳机制、断线重连机制、消息重发机制、读写超时机制、离线消息、线程池等功能。
AndroidasyncsocketexamplesThis project includes a few examples on how to create different types of sockets using AndroidAsync.
It includes examples for a TCP client/server, TCP client with SSL and UDP client/server.
Http ShutdownShutdown a Nodejs HTTP server gracefully by terminating the listening socket, then destroying all keep-alive idle sockets all while allowing in-flight requests to finish.
Nuxt Socket IoNuxt Socket IO - socket.io client and server module for Nuxt
UsocketUniversal socket library for Common Lisp
Owasp Mth3l3m3nt FrameworkOWASP Mth3l3m3nt Framework is a penetration testing aiding tool and exploitation framework. It fosters a principle of attack the web using the web as well as pentest on the go through its responsive interface.
At deviceAT component porting or samples for different devices
JstpFast RPC for browser and Node.js based on TCP, WebSocket, and MDSF
RialtoManage Node resources with PHP
Af ktlsLinux Kernel TLS/DTLS Module
SocketNon-blocking socket and TLS functionality for PHP based on Amp.