ReceiverSwift µframework implementing the Observer pattern 📡
Observable SlimObservable Slim is a singleton that utilizes ES6 Proxies to observe changes made to an object and any nested children of that object. It is intended to assist with state management and one-way data binding.
Redux Callbag🕺🕺Redux middleware for action side effects with callbag 👉< 1KB
Mag.jsMagJS - Modular Application Glue
Rx SandboxMarble diagram DSL based test suite for RxJS 6
QactiveReactive queryable observable framework.
IntelowlIntel Owl: analyze files, domains, IPs in multiple ways from a single API at scale
KefirA Reactive Programming library for JavaScript
MarbleMarble.js - functional reactive Node.js framework for building server-side applications, based on TypeScript and RxJS.
Redux MostMost.js based middleware for Redux. Handle async actions with monadic streams & reactive programming.
RestoreA predictable & observable state container for React apps
RxlifecycleRx binding of stock Android Activities & Fragment Lifecycle, avoiding memory leak
WanaEasy observable state for React ⚡️
React EvaEffects+View+Actions(React distributed state management solution with rxjs.)
RxiosA RxJS wrapper for axios
BachCompose your async functions with elegance.
Rx Http RequestThe world-famous HTTP client Request now RxJS compliant, wrote in full Typescript | ES6 for client and server side.
RxvizRx Visualizer - Animated playground for Rx Observables
ObaObserve any object's any change
NestedtypesBackboneJS compatibility layer for Type-R data framework.
Object ObserverObject Observer functionality of JavaScript objects/arrays via native Proxy
Rocket.jlFunctional reactive programming extensions library for Julia
Angular1 Async FilterAngular2 async pipe implemented as Angular 1 filter to handle promises & RxJS observables
CascadeA modern library for creating user interfaces.
EvoluiA tiny reactive user interface library, built on top of RxJs.
WithobservablesHOC (Higher-Order Component) for connecting RxJS Observables to React Components
ObservableadapterRecyclerView Adapter for RxJava, separates collection model from Android framework dependencies
Observer UtilTransparent reactivity with 100% language coverage. Made with ❤️ and ES6 Proxies.
Mobx State TreeFull-featured reactive state management without the boilerplate
Dob Light and fast 🚀 state management tool using proxy.
CortexCortex: a Powerful Observable Analysis and Active Response Engine
IcaroSmart and efficient javascript object observer, ideal for batching DOM updates (~1kb)
RxretrojsoupA simple API-like from html website (scrapper) for Android, RxJava2 ready !
Wonka🎩 A fast push & pull stream library for Reason, OCaml, and TypeScript
RecycleConvert functional/reactive object description using RxJS into React component
FormilyAlibaba Group Unified Form Solution -- Support React/ReactNative/Vue2/Vue3
ObservableThe easiest way to observe values in Swift.
RxgoReactive Extensions for the Go language.
MikadoMikado is the webs fastest template library for building user interfaces.
ObvsAn observable microservice bus library for .NET, that wraps the underlying message transports in simple Rx based interfaces.
SwiftrexSwift + Redux + (Combine|RxSwift|ReactiveSwift) -> SwiftRex