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Top 49 stanford open source projects

Stanford Cs231
Resources for students in the Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree to work through Stanford's Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition course (CS231n).
Cs231a Notes
The course notes for Stanford's CS231A course on computer vision
Cs224n 2019
My completed implementation solutions for CS224N 2019
CS 253 Web Security course at Stanford University
Stanford Cs229
Python solutions to the problem sets of Stanford's graduate course on Machine Learning, taught by Prof. Andrew Ng
Cs193p Fall 2017
These are the lectures, slides, reading assignments, and problem sets for the Developing Apps for iOS 11 with Swift 4 CS193p course offered at the Stanford School of Engineering and available on iTunes U.
Data Science Repo and blog for John Hopkins Coursera Courses. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Journalism Syllabi
Computer-Assisted Reporting and Data Journalism Syllabuses, compiled by Dan Nguyen
Cs193p 2020 Swiftui
📘 Stanford CS193p Spring 2020 - Developing Apps for iOS (SwiftUI)
Stanford Tensorflow Tutorials
This repository contains code examples for the Stanford's course: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research.
Third-person Action Roguelike made in Unreal Engine C++ (for Stanford CS193U 2020)
Cs193p Ios9 Solutions
My solutions to the assignments for Stanford's CS193P: Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift [Spring 2016]
Simple Cryptography
Scripts that illustrate basic cryptography concepts based on Coursera Standford Cryptography I course and more.
Mostly free resources for end-to-end machine learning engineering, including open courses from CalTech, Columbia, Berkeley, MIT, and Stanford (in alphabetical order).
Stanford dbclass
Collection of my solutions to the (infamous) dbclass (2014 version) offered by Stanford.
Stanford self driving car code
Stanford Code From Cars That Entered DARPA Grand Challenges
Stanford Cs229
🤖 Exercise answers to the problem sets from the 2017 machine learning course cs229 by Andrew Ng at Stanford
Cs193p Winter 2017
These are the lectures, slides, reading assignments, and problem sets for the 'Developing iOS 10 Apps with Swift' CS193p course offered at the Stanford School of Engineering and available on iTunes U.
Cs224n 2019 Solutions
Complete solutions for Stanford CS224n, winter, 2019
Cs224n Winter Together
an Open Course Platform for Stanford CS224n (2020 Winter)
Stanford Openie Python
Stanford Open Information Extraction made simple!
Complete Assignments for CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Stanford Algs
Example Test Cases for Stanford's Algorithms Coursera Specialization
Fine grained visual recognition tensorflow baseline on CUB, Stanford Cars, Dogs, Aircrafts, and Flower102.
Unofficial Stanford's CS229 Machine Learning Problem Solutions (summer edition 2019, 2020).
Keith Devlin's Introduction to Mathematical Thinking course on Coursera (2017 Spring)
STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD):A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
"How to Start a Startup" is the Y Combinator class made by real entrepreneurs
Solutions to "CS 97SI: Introduction to Competitive Programming Contests" by Stanford University
Solutions to Assignments of CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition(
TensorFlow implementation of CNN fast neural style transfer ⚡️ 🎨 🌌
1-49 of 49 stanford projects