Top 218 Coq open source projects

101. broad-coq-tutorial
Some unstructured notes concerning the Broad tutorial to take place in March 2020
✭ 24
103. W-in-Coq
This is a Coq formalization of Damas-Milner type system and its algorithm W.
104. neko
Wnix /bin/cat wike (≡^-ω-^≡) - concatenate fi-fiwes awnd pwint own de standawd output
✭ 30
105. xmonad
xmonad in Coq
✭ 44
106. Hermes-Lite
Deprecated project!!! See Hermes-Lite2 at main web site
107. nyc-hug-oct2014
Repo for code from my NYC Haskell Users' Group talk on Oct. 24, 2014
✭ 13
108. vericert
A formally verified high-level synthesis tool based on CompCert and written in Coq.
109. verilator
No description, website, or topics provided.
110. vermillion
LL(1) parser generator verified in Coq
111. coq-big-o
A general yet easy-to-use formalization of Big O, Big Theta, and more based on seminormed vector spaces.
112. micro v
A micro V language compiler
✭ 15
113. wiki
No description, website, or topics provided.
114. constructive-ltl
A formalization of finite, constructive log analysis using linear temporal logic
✭ 16
116. spring21
Problem Sets for MIT 6.822 Formal Reasoning About Programs, Spring 2021
✭ 19
117. coq-library-undecidability
A library of mechanised undecidability proofs in the Coq proof assistant.
✭ 84
118. ucto
Unicode tokeniser. Ucto tokenizes text files: it separates words from punctuation, and splits sentences. It offers several other basic preprocessing steps such as changing case that you can all use to make your text suited for further processing such as indexing, part-of-speech tagging, or machine translation. Ucto comes with tokenisation rules …
119. Synthesis
No description, website, or topics provided.
120. v-shopware-api-client
The reliable way to import and update a bazillion products.
123. bignums
Coq library of arbitrarily large numbers, providing BigN, BigZ, BigQ that used to be part of the standard library [maintainers=@proux01,@erikmd]
125. imm
Intermediate Memory Model (IMM) and compilation correctness proofs for it
126. icotools
Tools and Examples for IcoBoard
128. dot-calculus
Adding extensions to DOT calculus
✭ 22
129. potpourri
Where my everyday research happens
130. compcert
Fork of
131. HoTT-categories
A category theory library built on top of Homotopy Type Theory, by Jason Gross
132. mirror-core
A framework for extensible, reflective decision procedures.
133. kami
A Platform for High-Level Parametric Hardware Specification and its Modular Verification
134. core-lang-haskell
Implementation for the book <Implementing functional languages: a tutorial>
✭ 27
135. system-F
Formalization of the polymorphic lambda calculus and its parametricity theorem
136. howtoprovefullabstraction
Writeup that goes along with this:
137. algorand-verification
Formal verification of the Algorand consensus protocol
Proof Updater Mechanically Passing Knowledge Into New Proofs, Assisting The Coq Hacker
139. coqutil
Coq library for tactics, basic definitions, sets, maps
✭ 35
140. ethernet 10ge mac SV tb
SystemVerilog testbench for an Ethernet 10GE MAC core
141. proverbot9001
No description, website, or topics provided.
142. XJTU-Tripler
XJTU-Tripler is based on HiPU100, an FPGA-friendly DNN accelerator, developed by CAG, Institute of AI & Robotics, XJTU.
143. stoic
a capability-based system
✭ 37
144. dsss18
Lecture material for DeepSpec Summer School 2018
145. fcf
Foundational Cryptography Framework for machine-checked proofs of cryptography.
✭ 43
146. paco
A Coq library for parametric coinduction
✭ 34
147. elliptic-curves-ssr
A Formal Library about Elliptic Curves for the Mathematical Components Library.
148. study-notes
ITMO/CTD notes
✭ 57
149. SparkRoad-FPGA
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 13
150. Sampling-Model
Hardware of sampling model
101-150 of 218 Coq projects