Top 971 Gherkin open source projects

351. moodle-local profilecohort
Moodle plugin which lets admins manage cohort memberships based on users' custom profile fields
352. Spring-Boot-2.0-Cookbook-Second-Edition
Spring Boot 2.0 Cookbook - Second Edition, published by Packt
353. module-fb instant articles
Facebook Instant Articles Drupal integration module.
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354. practicaldevops
No description, website, or topics provided.
356. administration
Some Administration tools for ownCloud
357. boilerplate-behat-wordpress
A boilerplate for Testing WordPress with Behat
Editor-centered management for Veteran-centered content.
359. optisam-backend
OpTISAM (Optimized tool for inventive software asset management) is a tool for the Software Asset Management Compliance Audit and Optimization Tool. This monorepo contains all the backend services
360. blade-generate
Forces generation of Blade template cache files for Sage9.
361. retirement
Helping Americans make choices about retirement
364. report-a-cybercrime
Report a computer crime or scam / Signaler un crime informatique ou une fraude
366. shinage-server
PHP based server side software for web based digital signage systems.
367. codebreaker-js
A codebreaker game, in JavaScript
369. marklogic-samplestack
A sample implementation of the MarkLogic Reference Architecture
370. kukumber-skeleton
Kukumber — Getting started with Cucumber in Kotlin
371. Haal-Centraal-BRK-bevragen
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373. Claim-for-Crown-Court-Defence
Claim for Crown Court Defence, formerly Advocate Defence Payments (ADP), aka Crime Billing Online (CBO)
376. activiti-cloud-application
Activiti Cloud Application example and acceptance test suite.
377. template-app
Batteries included template for full stack feathers and nuxt apps
379. openbadges
Repository for Open Badges Integration with Moodle LMS
380. pretty-xml
An XML pretty printer for PHP
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381. kajaeru
No description, website, or topics provided.
382. CloudRaider
A resiliency tool that automates Failure mode effect analysis tests, simplifying complex testing with a behavior-driven development and testing approach. Provides a programmatic way to execute controlled failures in AWS and a BDD way to write test cases, allowing test plans themselves to become test cases that can be executed as is.
383. docker-rsyslog
Rsyslog server with multiple input listeners (UDP/TCP/RELP) and outputs (file/kafka/syslog).
384. sptypescript
TypeScript declarations for SharePoint JavaScript Object Model (JSOM) + lots of samples.
386. read-with-the-author
An application for running a book reading club for a book published on Leanpub
387. zucchini
Run your cucumber-jvm tests in parallel across all your devices
388. panorama-php
Library for fetching information from online video services using a common API.
389. middleman-robots
middleman-robots is extension of Middleman. This extension create robots.txt by config.rb.
390. SyliusWishlistPlugin
This plugin allows you to integrate wishlist features with Sylius platform app.
391. engineyard-serverside
This gem deploys your application on Engine Yard Cloud.
Main repo for open source corkboard
394. agile-architecture-documentation-system
A maven archetype to generate easily projects allowing architecture description using a mix of C4, agile architecture, Asciidoc and PlantUML
395. pathway
Map your organisation's pathway to open data success
396. AMBER
AMBER: Assessment of Metagenome BinnERs
399. behat-code-coverage
Behat Extension to generate code coverage reports for Behat tests
400. pio
Packet parser and generator in Ruby
351-400 of 971 Gherkin projects