Vueonrails💎 Rails gem with the power of Vue.js components
RubygemsLibrary packaging and distribution for Ruby.
Bundler LeakKnown-leaky gems verification for bundler: `bundle leak` to check your app and find leaky gems in your Gemfile 💎💧
WaterdropWaterDrop is a standalone Karafka component library for generating Kafka messages
GuidesAn effort to provide awesome documentation for the RubyGems ecosystem.
Sepa kingRuby gem for creating SEPA XML files
Openpgp.rb[Retired] OpenPGP.rb is a pure-Ruby implementation of the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880).
Tor.rbTor.rb is a Ruby library for interacting with the Tor anonymity network.
GemsRuby wrapper for the API
Rails orCleaner syntax for writing OR Query in Rails 5, 6. And also add #or support to Rails 3 and 4.
Bestgems.orgGem ranking and downloads trends providing service.
Pluck allA more efficient way to get data from database. Like #pluck method but return array of hashes instead.
EnseadaA Cloud native multi-package registry
KarafkaFramework for Apache Kafka based Ruby and Rails applications development.
SvgeezA Ruby gem for automatically generating an SVG sprite from a folder of SVG icons.
Ruby StatisticsRuby gem for some statistical operations without any statistical language dependency
WhatthegemRuby gem information, stats and usage for your terminal
AppraisalA Ruby library for testing your library against different versions of dependencies.
Hanami WebpackA RubyGem to allow you to use the Webpack as your asset pipeline in Hanami.
DraftingRuby gem for saving drafts of ActiveRecord models
DatevRuby gem for DATEV exports via CSV
Api schemaDSL for describing APIs and generate swagger json
Rack ThrottleRack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
Leaky GemsA list of Ruby gems that have known memory leaks (and issues)
OneThe open source Cloud & Edge Computing Platform bringing real freedom to your Enterprise Cloud 🚀
GemstashA cache and private gem server
UnreadHandle unread records and mark them as read with Ruby on Rails
BundlerManage your Ruby application's gem dependencies
Ruby MqttPure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/subscribe messaging.
Ruby FannRuby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network)
Papertrail CliCommand-line client for Papertrail hosted syslog & app log management service
Deep pluckAllow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
GemsmithA command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.
Cryptoexchange[UNMAINTAINED] Ruby library to query market data from cryptocurrency exchanges (
cld3-rubycld3-ruby is an interface of Compact Language Detector v3 (CLD3) for Ruby.
manpagesGem to add man pages support to ruby gems
capsulecdContinuous Delivery for automating package releases (npm, cookbooks, gems, pip, jars, etc)
termichunkOrganize chunks of text within terminals
codice fiscaleA Ruby gem that calculates the Italian Tax ID (Codice Fiscale)
malossTowards Measuring Supply Chain Attacks on Package Managers for Interpreted Languages
ebnfEBNF parser and generic parser generator for Ruby.
afip billA small library to generate a bill's PDF
middleman-robotsmiddleman-robots is extension of Middleman. This extension create robots.txt by config.rb.