Top 181 Raku open source projects

101. perl6-data-dump
a colorful? data dumper for perl6
✭ 16
102. travellermap
The source code to
103. kdesrc-build
Script to streamline setting up and maintaining KDE software development environment
✭ 23
104. perl6-slang-sql
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 24
105. reload4j
reload4j is a drop-in replacement for log4j 1.2.17
106. mandel
Async model layer for MongoDB objects using Mango
✭ 13
107. minilib
A c standard system library with a focus on size, headeronly, "singlefile", intended for static linking. 187 Bytes for "Hello World"(regular elf), compiled with the standard gcc toolchain.
109. PDF-raku
Low level tools for reading, writing and manipulation of PDFs
110. raku-bench
Benchmark and compare Raku implementations against Perl
✭ 21
111. CiderWebmail
Perl/Catalyst/AJAX based Webmail
112. harmony
next generation bugzilla
114. curso-tdd
Curso de desarrollo para asegurar la calidad del software
115. lua-resty-beanstalkd
non-blocking beanstalkd client lib for ngx_lua
116. Time-Piece
Object Oriented time objects
✭ 15
118. raku-api-discord
Raku module for interacting with the Discord API.
119. scRNAseq cell cluster labeling
Scripts to run and benchmark scRNA-seq cell cluster labeling methods
120. dotfiles
My own simple dotfiles (I promise, when i started it was simple ;p)
121. yaml-libyaml-pm
Perl Binding to libyaml
✭ 31
123. sidef
A modern object-oriented programming language implemented in Perl.
124. hopr
HOPR is an open-source tool for the generation of three-dimensional unstructured high-order meshes.
125. test-mock
Test::Mock - a module for simply generating and checking mock objects
✭ 15
127. FUDforum
FUDforum is a super fast and scalable discussion forum. It is highly customizable and supports unlimited members, forums, posts, topics, polls & attachments. It can import XML Feeds and sync with USENET groups and Mailing Lists (bi-directional).
128. NGSbartom
Ceto is an NGS analysis system put together in a collaboration between the Bartom computational Lab, the Shilatifard lab, and other scientists at Northwestern University. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for more detail.
129. ShinyCMS
ShinyCMS is an open source CMS. This is the Perl version, built with Catalyst and DBIC. (There is also a Ruby on Rails version:
131. Mojo-Discord
Perl Modules that implement parts of the Discord API. Intended for Text Chat Bots.
✭ 31
jmp - search files and jump to matching lines in a text editor
✭ 12
133. gfxprim
Open-source modular 2D bitmap graphics library with emphasis on speed and correctness.
134. python-rst2ansi
A python utility for rendering RST in the terminal
135. iContact-cPanel-Plugins
Extra "Contact Manager" Providers for cPanel and WHM
136. geocraft
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 79
137. mi6
minimal authoring tool for Raku
✭ 52
138. perl6-magickwand
ImageMagick's MagickWand API Bindings for Raku
139. inline-python-pm
Inline::Python - Write Perl subs and classes in Python.
✭ 19
142. sytest
Black-box integration testing for Matrix homeservers
143. raku-mode
Emacs major mode for Raku
144. Badger
Perl application programming toolkit
✭ 15
146. json fast
a naive imperative json parser in perl6, to evaluate performance against JSON::Tiny
✭ 24
147. perl-scripts
A nice collection of day-to-day Perl scripts.
149. spamassassin-extremeshok fromreplyto
Configures spamassassin to score mails with various rules against the reply-to, from and to headers.
✭ 43
150. Perl6-Math-Matrix
fully featured data type for matrix math
✭ 20
101-150 of 181 Raku projects