ecmwf modelsPython package for downloading ECMWF reanalysis data and converting it into a time series format.
PeakPoX-ray diffraction data analysis for high pressure and high temperature experiments
DSMACCDynamically Simple Model of Atmospheric Chemical Complexity
jigsaw-geo-matlabMATLAB bindings for JIGSAW(GEO): an unstructured mesh generator for geoscientific modelling.
HackTheSolarSystemThe 5th Annual American Museum of Natural History Hackathon produced by the BridgeUP: STEM program
nasapowerAPI Client for NASA POWER Global Meteorology, Surface Solar Energy and Climatology in R
cisHome of the Community Intercomparison Suite.
paper-moho-inversion-tesseroidsSource code, data, and model results for "Fast non-linear gravity inversion in spherical coordinates with application to the South American Moho". Published in the Geophysical Journal International.
pylandtempAlgorithms for computing global land surface temperature and emissivity from NASA's Landsat satellite images with Python.
Geoweavera web system to allow users to automatically record history and manage complicated scientific workflows in web browsers involving the online spatial data facilities, high-performance computation platforms, and open-source libraries.
GMT.jlGeneric Mapping Tools Library Wrapper for Julia
EarthSimTools for working with and visualizing environmental simulations.
rockhoundNOTICE: This library is no longer being developed. Use Ensaio instead ( -- Download geophysical models/datasets and load them in Python
psyplotPython package for interactive data visualization
envoA community-driven ontology for the representation of environments
FEHMFinite Element Heat and Mass Transfer Code
CDTThe Climate Data Toolbox for MATLAB
try-gmtTry GMT, PyGMT, and GMT.jl online! All in one place!