Top 593 Svelte open source projects

201. gomodest-template
A template to build dynamic web apps quickly using Go, html/template and javascript
202. svelte-flask-example
Simple example of using Flask to serve a Svelte app
209. plantuml-visualizer
🏭 A Chrome / Firefox extension for visualizing PlantUML code.
211. mmss-client
No description or website provided.
212. svelte-esbuild-starter
Starter for new Svelte application with ESBuild bundler
213. smui-example-rollup
An example project implementing Svelte Material UI (Advanced Styling) with Rollup.
215. jellyweb
No description, website, or topics provided.
216. bromb
A feedback widget designed to be simple and customizable.
217. plugins
Elder.js plugins and community plugins.
219. felt-mockup
retired mockup 💚 customizable community tools that feel good
220. bundless
Dev server and bundler based on esbuild
221. svelte-bricks
Naive Svelte Masonry component without column balancing (ragged columns at the bottom)
222. MonKey
No description, website, or topics provided.
224. nginx-obs-automatic-low-bitrate-switching
Simple app to automatically switch scenes in OBS based on the current bitrate fetched from the NGINX stats page.
229. svelte-progress-bar
A tiny progress bar, inspired by YouTube's loader!
230. foundryvtt-lancer
A Foundry VTT game system for LANCER RPG.
231. type-kana
A quiz app to help you learn hiragana and katakana, the Japanese syllabaries
232. layercake-template
Starter template for Layer Cake graphics framework
233. obsidian-initiative-tracker
TTRPG Initiative Tracker for
Simple toolbox for working with colors. Color mixing, blending, conversion, modification, detailed information, etc.
236. SplitType
Javascript utility that splits text into lines, words, characters for animation
237. musetree
AI Music Generation for the Real World
238. admin-columns
Admin Columns allows you to manage and organize columns in the posts, users, comments, and media lists tables in the WordPress admin panel. Transform the WordPress admin screens into beautiful, clear overviews.
239. MaxTo
Public issue tracker for MaxTo
241. infinite-viewer
Infinite Viewer is Document Viewer Component with infinite scrolling.
244. encute
WordPress plugin for fluent management of scripts and styles.
245. io-sdk
SDK sperimentale per l'integrazione delle API di IO
247. haskell-code-spot
Visual tool to spot odd runtime behaviour of Haskell programs.
248. scroll-snap-carousel
One more carousel plugin, but using CSS Scroll Snap and for every frameworks!
Visualisations de l'open data parisienne.