Top 543 Twig open source projects

101. php-flasher
🔔 Flasher is a powerful and flexible flash notifications system for PHP, Laravel, Symfony
102. grav-theme-ceevee
Ceevee is a clean, modern, fully responsive site template for your resume and portfolio. With this template, you can easily introduce yourself and showcase your works to future clients and employers. Also, it is flexible and easy to customize so you even use this template as a creative, business or portfolio site for your company.
103. Profile
User Profile Module
104. SyliusAdyenPlugin
Development environment for the new version of the Adyen Plugin
105. SyliusPayumStripePlugin
Sylius Payum Stripe checkout session gateway plugin (with SCA support)
106. doctrine-website
Source code for the website and documentation.
107. islandora multi importer
This is a flexible, twig based, all cmodel, tabular data to islandora Object importer with optional ZeroMQ processing
108. craft-starter
A starter Craft project by Andrew Welch and Ryan Irelan
109. marvelsdb
MarvelsDB - a deck builders for Marvel Champions - The Card Game
110. bootstrap-twig
WordPress starter theme using Twig templates via Timber library, using the Bootstrap 4 framework
111. ezplatform-ee
Fork of the "ezplatform" meta repository, contains changes to composer.json that pull in all dependencies from for Ibexa Experience (a commercial distribution of Ibexa Platform with additional features).
112. rector-ci
No description or website provided.
115. kikcms
CMS and high level framework created with Phalcon framework
116. AdminLTEBundle-Demo
Demo application using the AdminLTE bundle for Symfony 4
118. grav-plugin-imgcaptions
Turns the title-attribute in img-elements into figure-elements with a figcaption
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121. SaadTaziGChartBundle
Google Chart Bundle for Symfony2
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122. bolt-menu-editor
a visual menu-editor extension for the awesome bolt cms
126. api-components-bundle
Creates a flexible API for a website's structure, reusable components and common functionality.
127. SyliusVendorPlugin
This is a Sylius Plugin that add vendors (brands) to your store. The vendors is an entity that sells products and are fully customizable by the admin.
128. portlandor
Repository for building on Drupal 8.
130. code-outliner
Generate outline images of your code
133. BehatBundle
Bundle for common reusable sentance implementations & other common needs for Behat testing in eZ bundles/projects.
134. craft-instagram-feed
Craft CMS plugin to receive Instragram feed data as variable in templates
135. drupal-potx
Translation template extractor port for Drupal 8
137. SyliusReportPlugin
Report Plugin for Sylius. This plugin add a report interface to the Sylius administration. Some reports comes with this bundle but you can create your custom reports.
139. designsystem
World Food Programme User Interface Kit. Developer kit for implementing WFP web style guideline.
140. KunstmaanPagePartBundle
[READ-ONLY] Subtree split of the Kunstmaan PagePartBundle -- master at Kunstmaan/KunstmaanBundlesCMS
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141. craft-mjml
Render Twig emails with MJML.
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144. GRR
GRR Officiel - Copyrigth Team DEVOME
145. purl
Purl (Petite URL) is an open source project with the goal of providing you with your own private URL shortener!
147. craft-cpjs
Control Panel JS plugin for Craft CMS
150. SyliusSettingsPlugin
Provide some custom settings to your favorite Sylius shop!