Hello KubernetesProvides a demo app to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster. It displays a message, the name of the pod and details of the node it's deployed to.
Realm DrawThe official Realm Draw app used in promotional videos
Swift project原OC项目用swift实现,纯swift项目,可作为学习swift的demo,包含多个自定义控件,并且进行封装网络请求库,结构清晰。
Todayx 🌈Flutter App:🎊「今日份的X」(每天推荐一个:图片、诗歌、名言、音乐、乐评、高等数学、两种配色、化学方程式、Github Repo、知乎问题、文章)
SearchviewsampleSample app for Android SearchView with circular reveal animation like whatsapp
Thorui UniappThorUI组件库,轻量、简洁的移动端组件库。组件文档地址:https://thorui.cn/doc/ 。 最近更新时间:2021-10-01
CameraxdemoA sample camera app with CameraX API from Android Jetpack
All In One👔 Health care application for reminding health-todo lists and making healthy habits every day.
RecyclerviewdemoDemo showing the basics to advanced use cases of Android RecyclerView
Phphub IosPHPHub for iOS is the universal iPhone and iPad application for PHPHub
Dotnet Template OnionOnion Architecture with .NET 5/.NET Core and CQRS/Event Sourcing following a DDD approach
React Natives AppApp for the React & React Native developer community as a demo project for the React Native meetups in Germany
KittentricksReact Native starter kit with over 40 screens and modern Light and Dark theme for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications.
Wanandroid🐔🏀【停止维护,已使用Jetpack+Mvvm重构】根据鸿神提供的WanAndroid开放Api来制作的产品级玩安卓App,采用Kotlin语言,基于Material Design+AndroidX +MVP+RxJava+Retrofit等框架开发,注释超详细,方便大家练手
Stripe Connect RocketridesSample on-demand platform built on Stripe: Connect onboarding for pilots, iOS app for passengers to request rides.
React Native User Profile🎨 A react native mobile starter kit, Examples of user profiles screens to help you write component and design
order-demoAxon demo - `Order Management` Information System - A part of the systems landscape https://github.com/fraktalio/courier-demo, https://github.com/fraktalio/restaurant-demo, https://github.com/fraktalio/order-demo
EgorkaGameA simple game to entertain a baby of 0-1 year.
LifecycleMusicPlayerSample music player app with lifecycle component to play/pause music when certain lifecycle events are triggered in Activity
QR-ScannerA React Native QR code scanner app built using Expo
react-sample-projectsThe goal of this project is to provide a set of simple samples, providing and step by step guide to start working with React.
transitMassively real-time city transit streaming application
trafficMassively real-time traffic streaming application
food-ordering-demoDemo application focusing on the Food Ordering domain - Used in our video series
OFOBikeA demo app like OFO Bike in Swift.
purescript-pop😃 A functional reactive programming (FRP) demo created with PureScript events and behaviors.
delimealThe Android template app for restaurant or booking item.