All Git Users → NVIDIA-AI-IOT

34 open source projects by NVIDIA-AI-IOT

1. Jetcam
Easy to use Python camera interface for NVIDIA Jetson
2. Deepstream 360 d smart parking application
Describes the full end to end smart parking application that is available with DeepStream 5.0
✭ 236
4. Jetbot
An educational AI robot based on NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
5. Deepstream pose estimation
This is a sample DeepStream application to demonstrate a human pose estimation pipeline.
6. Face Mask Detection
Face Mask Detection using NVIDIA Transfer Learning Toolkit (TLT) and DeepStream for COVID-19
✭ 153
7. Redaction with deepstream
An example of using DeepStream SDK for redaction
✭ 141
8. Jetson benchmarks
Jetson Benchmark
9. Jetcard
An SD card image for web programming AI projects with NVIDIA Jetson Nano
✭ 133
10. Deepstream 4.x apps
deepstream 4.x samples to deploy TLT training models
✭ 82
11. Turtlebot3
Autonomous delivery robot with turtlebot3 and Jetson TX2
✭ 54
12. Redtail
Perception and AI components for autonomous mobile robotics.
13. Deepstream reference apps
Samples for TensorRT/Deepstream for Tesla & Jetson
✭ 692
15. Jetracer
An autonomous AI racecar using NVIDIA Jetson Nano
16. Trt pose
Real-time pose estimation accelerated with NVIDIA TensorRT
17. Tf to trt image classification
Image classification with NVIDIA TensorRT from TensorFlow models.
18. Deepstream python apps
A project demonstrating use of Python for DeepStream sample apps given as a part of SDK (that are currently in C,C++).
19. ros2 jetson
No description, website, or topics provided.
20. deepstream triton model deploy
How to deploy open source models using DeepStream and Triton Inference Server
21. GreenMachine
AI kiosk with a camera and a projector to visualize waste type of cafeteria objects
✭ 30
22. jetson-cloudnative-demo
Multi-container demo for Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson AGX Xavier
✭ 141
23. JEP ChatBot
ChatBot: sample for TensorRT inference with a TF model
24. caffe ros
Package containing nodes for deep learning in ROS.
25. tao-toolkit-triton-apps
Sample app code for deploying TAO Toolkit trained models to Triton
27. deep nav layers
A series of plugins to the ROS navigation stack to incorporate deep learning inputs.
28. yolov4 deepstream
No description, website, or topics provided.
30. deepstream-occupancy-analytics
This is a sample application for counting people entering/leaving in a building using NVIDIA Deepstream SDK, Transfer Learning Toolkit (TLT), and pre-trained models. This application can be used to build real-time occupancy analytics applications for smart buildings, hospitals, retail, etc. The application is based on deepstream-test5 sample app…
31. cuda-pcl
A project demonstrating how to use the libs of cuPCL.
✭ 287
32. jetson-trashformers
Autonomous humanoid that picks up and throws away trash
33. deepstream tao apps
Sample apps to demonstrate how to deploy models trained with TAO on DeepStream
1-34 of 34 user projects