WebpackA bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
ZenpowerZenpower is Linux kernel driver for reading temperature, voltage(SVI2), current(SVI2) and power(SVI2) for AMD Zen family CPUs.
RainbowminerGPU/CPU Mining script with intelligent profit-switching between miningpools, algorithms, miners, using all possible combinations of devices (NVIDIA, AMD, CPU). Features: actively maintained, uses the top actual miner programs (Bminer, Ccminer, Claymore, Dstm, EnemyZ, Sgminer, T-rex and more) easy setup wizard, webinterface, auto update.
SimplesvmhookSimpleSvmHook is a research purpose hypervisor for Windows on AMD processors.
SimplesvmA minimalistic educational hypervisor for Windows on AMD processors.
ZydisFast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler and code generation library
ZenmonitorZen monitor is monitoring software for AMD Zen-based CPUs.
NsfminerNo Fee Ethash miner for AMD and Nvidia
Require VuejsRequireJS plugin to async and dynamic load and parse .vue components
WufucDisables the "Unsupported Hardware" message in Windows Update, and allows you to continue installing updates on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems with Intel Kaby Lake, AMD Ryzen, or other unsupported processors.
GatelessgatesharpGateless Gate Sharp is an user-friendly yet extremely powerful open-source multi-algorithm miner for Windows operating systems.
Waifu2x Ncnn Vulkanwaifu2x converter ncnn version, runs fast on intel / amd / nvidia GPU with vulkan
NplusminerNPlusMiner + GUI | NVIDIA/AMD/CPU miner | AI | Autoupdate | MultiRig remote management
ParenchymaAn extensible HPC framework for CUDA, OpenCL and native CPU.
Wraith MasterA native Linux RGB control application for the AMD Wraith Prism (GitLab Mirror)
Obs StreamfxStreamFX is a plugin for OBS Studio which adds many new effects, filters, sources, transitions and encoders - all for free! Be it 3D Transform, Blur, complex Masking, or even custom shaders, you'll find it all here.
Conditioner💆🏻 Frizz free, context-aware, JavaScript modules
Grunt AmdcheckUses AST to find and remove unused dependencies in AMD modules.
Eslenterprise standard loader
PyopenclOpenCL integration for Python, plus shiny features
Inventory Hunter⚡️ Get notified as soon as your next CPU, GPU, or game console is in stock
CorianderBuild NVIDIA® CUDA™ code for OpenCL™ 1.2 devices
SmcamdprocessorPower management, monitoring and VirtualSMC plugin for AMD processors
StaxripStaxRip is a video encoding app for Windows with a unrivaled feature set and usability.
Easytimer.jsEasy to use Timer/Stopwatch/Countdown library compatible with AMD, ES6 and Typescript
MadgeCreate graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies
AnakinHigh performance Cross-platform Inference-engine, you could run Anakin on x86-cpu,arm, nv-gpu, amd-gpu,bitmain and cambricon devices.
Set EgpuDisplay-agnostic acceleration of macOS applications using external GPUs.
IlgpuILGPU JIT Compiler for high-performance .Net GPU programs
SWARMProfit Switching Mining Administrator For HiveOS/Linux & Windows: HiveOS Integrated
gpu-passthroughA GPU passthrough tutorial using libvirt and KVM on GNU/Linux
kryptoniteEnable AMD/NVIDIA eGFX for All Thunderbolt Macs with SIP, ART & FileVault support.
dumberA dumb JavasScript bundler for Single Page Application, dumber than you and me.
ryzentoshOpenCore Configuration for Ryzen 3950x with ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) X570
amd-cmd-hot-update-hmresl-hot-update: Hot update esl modules(AMD、CMD) when modifed. JS, LESS, tpl, component is all supported!
darknetDarknet on OpenCL Convolutional Neural Networks on OpenCL on Intel & NVidia & AMD & Mali GPUs for macOS & GNU/Linux