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Top 11 fluentvalidation open source projects

An extension of the fluent validation with a set of Brazilian validations
An example of microservices container based application which implemented different approaches within each microservice (DDD, CQRS, Simple CRUD)
Sample ASP.NET Core 2 API Setup used by ArchitectNow for corresponding workshop presentations
CSharpCampReCapProject | C# Camp | Recap Project | Car Rental System | 2021
MsCoreOne is a simple Ecommerce with using many technologies such as .NET 5, Entity Framework Core 5, React 16.13 with modern Clean Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, SOLID, Identity Server 4, Blazor. It will focus on resolving the problems always see in the process to develop projects.
1-11 of 11 fluentvalidation projects