SuiteSparse.jlDevelopment of SuiteSparse.jl, which ships as part of the Julia standard library.
JuliaAlgorithms implemented in the Julia programming language. We're collaborating with the Humans of Julia community!
setup-juliaThis action sets up a Julia environment for use in actions by downloading a specified version of Julia and adding it to PATH.
deoplete-juliadeoplete.nvim source for julia. Providing julia Syntax Completions for julia, in Neovim (deprecated for julia 0.6+)
FaceDetection.jlA face detection algorithm using Viola-Jones' rapid object detection framework written in Julia
OmniSci.jlJulia client for OmniSci GPU-accelerated SQL engine and analytics platform
AtariAlgos.jlArcade Learning Environment (ALE) wrapped as a Reinforce.jl environment
XUnit.jlXUnit.jl is a unit-testing framework for Julia.
GameZero.jlZero overhead game development library for the Julia programming language
julia koansSmall exercises to get you used to reading and writing Julia code!
LatticeQCD.jlA native Julia code for lattice QCD with dynamical fermions in 4 dimension.
SpinMonteCarlo.jlMarkov chain Monte Carlo solver for lattice spin systems implemented by Julialang
Learn.jlJuliaML bundled in a convenient all-in-one toolkit.
benchoptMaking your benchmark of optimization algorithms simple and open
SeaPearl.jlJulia hybrid constraint programming solver enhanced by a reinforcement learning driven search.
ISLR.jlJuliaLang version of "An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R"
SortingLab.jlFaster sorting algorithms (sort and sortperm) for Julia
DynamicalBilliards.jlAn easy-to-use, modular, extendable and absurdly fast Julia package for dynamical billiards in two dimensions.
DataAPI.jlA data-focused namespace for packages to share functions
PWDFT.jlPlane wave density functional theory using Julia programming language
graphicsA place where miscellaneous Julia-related graphics are stored. If you're looking for the official Julia logos and related graphics, visit
ECharts.jlJulia package for the Apache ECharts v4 visualization library
DataFramesWelcome to DataFrames.jl with Bogumił Kamiński