Top 13 umap open source projects

Workshop (6 hours): Clustering (Hdbscan, LCA, Hopach), dimension reduction (UMAP, GLRM), and anomaly detection (isolation forests).
A fast, accurate, and modularized dimensionality reduction approach based on diffusion harmonics and graph layouts. Escalates to millions of samples on a personal laptop. Adds high-dimensional big data intrinsic structure to your clustering and data visualization workflow.
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) implementation in Julia
create "Karpathy's style" 2d images out of your image embeddings
This repository contains R code, with which you can create 3D UMAP and tSNE plots of Seurat analyzed scRNAseq data
A Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) library for Java, developed by in collaboration with Real Time Genomics.
AnnA Anki neuronal Appendix
Using machine learning on your anki collection to enhance the scheduling via semantic clustering and semantic similarity
BEER: Batch EffEct Remover for single-cell data
ParametricUMAP paper
Parametric UMAP embeddings for representation and semisupervised learning. From the paper "Parametric UMAP: learning embeddings with deep neural networks for representation and semi-supervised learning" (Sainburg, McInnes, Gentner, 2020).
1-13 of 13 umap projects