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Top 89 unity-editor open source projects

Unity Aseprite Importer
An aseprite-file importer for unity written in C#, built upon the experimental AssetImporter API
This is an open source Unity pause menu created for the game New Horizons, and it's completely free because of how a pause menu is a core component of a game, while the unity asset store was lacking in such an asset (until this was released on the asset store).
UIWidget is a Unity Package which helps developers to create, debug and deploy efficient, cross-platform Apps.
A Unity editor extension for finding missing object references
Unity Bitmapfontimporter
An unity editor extension for bitmap font.
An open source GIT Unity3D editor plugin.
Pb stl
STL import/export for Unity, supporting both ASCII and Binary.
Exposed Unity Editor WebView API
A tool for easy automating and customizing build process for Unity.
Rex Diagnostics
Unity extension that enables expression evaluation at runtime to facilitate testing and debugging.
extOSC is a tool dedicated to simplify creation of applications in Unity with OSC protocol usage.
Awesome Unity Open Source On Github
A categorized collection of awesome Unity open source on GitHub (800+)
【Unity】uGUI のオブジェクトを作成できるツールバーのエディタ拡張
Scene View Bookmarks
Unity editor extension to bookmark scene views.
Unity Assetpipeline Presentation
Unity project for "A Technical Deep-Dive into Unity's Asset Pipeline" presented at Develop: 2018
Resharper Unity
Unity support for both ReSharper and Rider
Automatic LOD generation + scene optimization
Node Level Editor
Unity3d Editor tools to create rooms quickly.
Rust Map Making's open source map editor.
C#/Unity port of Tracery (heavily WIP)
Author XR in XR
Unity Quicksheet
Unity-QuickSheet enables you to use spreadsheet file data within Unity editor.
Node graph editor framework focused on data processing using Unity UIElements and C# 4.6
Ugui Editor
Unity UGUI editor tools,improve the efficiency of ui development.
Switcher of UI theme in Unity Editor (light -> dark) (.NET, WPF)
🚀Actors is a framework empowering developers to make better games faster on Unity.
Add buttons to your inspector in Unity super easily with this simple attribute
Unity Mulligan Renamer
Mulligan Renamer tool for the Unity Editor allows for quick and safe renaming of many assets and gameobjects at once
Unity Serializabledictionary
Serializable dictionary class for Unity
Unity Editor Toolbox
Tools, custom attributes, drawers, hierarchy overlay, and other extensions for the Unity Editor.
Driven Decals
A mesh-based PBR decal system for Unity's universal render pipeline.
A wrapper script for Unity debug calls to use conditional attributes in order to avoid debug code being compiled into release builds.
Unity Editor tool to create Categories in the Hierarchy. The Categories work as dividers between GameObjects.
Collection of Unity editor helpers to boost productivity.
A suite of UIElements based attributes, drawers, controls, and other helpers to expedite the creation of object inspectors without the need of additional custom editors
Unity extension to show component icons in the Hierarchy.
A JSON Editor in the inspector. Preview and more information in README🙂
Editor extension for Unity to create Low Poly Terrains
Provides access to internal lighting APIs.
You can edit Prefab which could not be edited much unless you place it on Scene.
Editor extension that allows you to customize the menu that appears when you right-click on Hierarchy.
Tool for making navigation bezier splines with points, events and bindings to colliders
Unity エディタの Game ビューに iPhone X のセーフエリアを表示できるエディタ拡張
Tool extension for the Unity Editor that enables easy access to the player preferences over a simple UI.
UnityTool Probability
A simple Editor can adjust the probability of items from Array
Rosalina is a code generation tool for Unity's UI documents. It generates C# code-behind script based on a UXML template.
A collection of Unity UIElements animation extension methods, new animated elements, and examples.
SlnMerge merges the solution files when generating solution file by Unity Editor.
1-60 of 89 unity-editor projects