Top 5743 dart open source projects

602. Fluttergram
A fully functional Instagram clone written in Flutter using Firebase / Firestore
603. Flutter calendar
Calendar widget for flutter
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604. Hamburger flutter
App concept created with Flutter inspired by Tasty Burger.
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605. Analog clock
⌚️Analog Clock widget for Flutter ⏰
606. Design Patterns In Dart
Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns implemented in Dart. Contributions welcome!
607. Koukicons flutter
🍪 Colorful Icons for your Flutter App
608. Darkness dungeon
Game RPG build by Flame Flutter
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609. Reactive forms
This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular's Reactive Forms
610. Vim Js Pretty Template
highlights JavaScript's Template Strings in other FileType syntax rule
612. Angular
Fast and productive web framework provided by Dart
614. Rich editor
This is an RichEditor for the Flutter platform.
615. Flutter Folder Structure
A scalable folder structure for flutter applications
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616. Flutter splash app
A Flutter app to showcase different types of Splash Screens
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617. Flutter
A boilerplate project for Flutter
618. K chart
Maybe it is the best k chart in Flutter.
619. Flutter shine.dart
Flutter Shine is a library for pretty and realistic shadows, dynamic light positions, extremely customizable shadows, no library dependencies, text or box shadows based on content.
620. Flutter geocoder
Flutter plugin for forward and reverse geocoding
621. Mtc2018 App
The Official Conference App for Mercari Tech Conf 2018
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622. Flutter page indicator
Page indicator for flutter, with multiple build-in layouts.
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623. Smoothratingbar
A Smooth rating bar
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624. Flutter parsed text
A Flutter package to parse text and make them into linkified text widget
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625. Samples
A collection of Dart code samples by Dart DevRel
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626. Flutter calendar strip
A Flutter Calendar Strip Widget
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627. Model viewer.dart
A Flutter widget for rendering interactive 3D models in the glTF and GLB formats.
628. Fluent Reader Lite
Simplistic mobile RSS client built with Flutter
629. Oauth2
An OAuth2 client library for Dart.
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630. Dart redux epics
Redux.dart middleware for handling actions using Dart Streams
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631. Flutter hooks
React hooks for Flutter. Hooks are a new kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They are used to increase code sharing between widgets and as a complete replacement for StatefulWidget.
632. Flutterwidgets
Collection of all the widgets with their tutorial
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633. Mediumclapflutter
A Custom Floating Action Button (FAB) library like clapping effect on Medium
636. Cyberpwned
Automates CP 2077's "Breach Protocol" hacking minigame
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637. Flutterdemo
Flutter Widget的大部分demo以及示例代码
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638. How To Build A Biomedical Startup
This is the code for "How to Build a Biomedical Startup" by Siraj Raval on Youtube
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639. Dart Sip Ua
A dart-lang version of the SIP UA stack.
640. Extended navbar scaffold
A Custom Extended Scaffold with Expandable and Floating Navigation Bar
641. Dart Dnd
Drag and Drop for Dart web apps with mouse and touch support.
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642. Timy Messenger
Timy - open source mobile app for groups to communicate and organize themselves. Built with flutter.
643. Multiple Counters Flutter
Flutter State Management [ setState ❖ StreamBuilder ❖ scoped_model ❖ redux ]
644. Flutter chess board
A Chessboard widget for Flutter.
645. Sms autofill
Flutter plugin to provide SMS code autofill support
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646. Flutter paytm clone
A sample application to show Paytm Flutter Clone.
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647. Empresas Que Usam Flutter No Brasil
Repositório que mostra empresas e projetos que utilizam Flutter no Brasil
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648. Flutterweekview
Displays a highly customizable week view (or day view) which is able to display events, to be scrolled, to be zoomed-in & out and a lot more !
649. Flutter Ui Designs
Just collection of UI designs build with flutter. Can run on any mobile, web & desktop.
650. Material design icons flutter
The Material Design Icons ( Icon pack available as set of Flutter Icons.