Top 262 PostScript open source projects

51. wambook
Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction by Hassan Ait-Kaci
✭ 22
52. UndergraduateThesisLaTeXTemplate
中国海洋大学本科毕业论文LaTeX模版 OUC Undergraduate Thesis LaTeX Template
53. cae
CalculiX Advanced Environment is designed to guide you through the CalculiX keywords creation process and is aimed to help you reach the correct input file with no mistakes.
54. LightScattering
Source code for the light scattering sample
55. Flypi
This is the repository for the flypi project
56. time frequency
时频分析 + 时变阶分数傅立叶变换普 + 时变滤波 相关的毕业设计课题全部代码和论文+PPT,供各位通信、电子信息工程等相关学弟学妹参考。
58. MiscRecord
No description, website, or topics provided.
59. paper-template
Collection of paper latex template for several computer vision related conference.
60. OmEspHelpers
An Arduino ESP32/ESP8266 library for extremely rapid IoT web page UI creation
63. HANK
Replication of Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) model in MATLAB
64. proto RepRap HELIOS
This is just a good faith sharing of the files used for the original prototype of the RepRap HELIOS. I am furiously working to fix all issues encountered while building this project. It is suggested that no one directly build this printer.
65. ViennaRNA
The ViennaRNA Package
66. factsheets
Factsheety k psychedelickým látkám
✭ 16
67. QML Thesis
All files for research proposal and bachelor thesis on Quantum Machine Learning at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa.
68. record-linkage-tutorial
A tutorial on entity resolution (record linkage or de-duplication)
70. iRF
iterative Random Forests (iRF): iteratively grows weighted random forests, finds interaction among features
71. PlutoThesis
72. SLS-1.02
The Linux distribution from 1993
74. pdnext
Color-themed Pure data with different inlets & outlets for messages and signals
75. Space
This repository contains sample projects associated with articles I write.
77. kenten-generic
Kenten Generic
✭ 20
78. chromatag
No description, website, or topics provided.
79. ivtools
X11 vector graphic servers
80. uFDTD
Content for "Understanding the FDTD Method" by John B. Schneider
81. MatchLocate2
Detect and locate small events from continuous seismic waveforms using templates (MatchLocate2)
82. genetIC
The GM initial conditions generator
83. tabled-prolog-book
Programming in Tabled Prolog by David S Warren
85. Inferno-OS Android
an Android port of Inferno OS. it works as a regular Android (> 4.0) app. to build it needs only Android Studio (>3.0) and NDK
86. OUC-LaTex-bachelor
87. cdcalendar
A customisable, multilingual calendar with 3 different sizes. With LaTeX.
89. dita4publishers
90. fbkutils
A variety of utilities built and maintained by Facebook's Linux Kernel Team that we wish to share with the community.
91. TTGP
No description, website, or topics provided.
92. php-ipp
No description, website, or topics provided.
93. svg rob code
SVG embedded in an HTML page. Implementation of Rings of Bytes Code
94. flag-of-nepal
National Flag of Nepal (The most mathematical flag in the world)
95. DevilsPong
A simple game in Scheme.
96. the-functional-approach-to-programming
Programs that are used in the Cousineau/Mauny books
98. cvpr2018-shape-completion
CVPR 2018 paper "Learning 3D Shape Completion from Laser Scan Data with Weak Supervision".
99. Energy
R scripts for energy analytics
51-100 of 262 PostScript projects