Top 139323 python open source projects

401. Global Encoding
Global Encoding for Abstractive Summarization (ACL 2018)
✭ 248
402. Pretty Print Confusion Matrix
Confusion Matrix in Python: plot a pretty confusion matrix (like Matlab) in python using seaborn and matplotlib
403. Rescan
Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
✭ 247
404. Slack Export
A python slack exporter
✭ 248
406. Computer Vision Guide
📖 This guide is to help you understand the basics of the computerized image and develop computer vision projects with OpenCV. Includes Python, Java, JavaScript, C# and C++ examples.
407. Aws Elastic Beanstalk Cli Setup
Simplified EB CLI installation mechanism.
✭ 244
409. Unicorefuzz
Fuzzing the Kernel Using Unicornafl and AFL++
✭ 248
410. Free Form Video Inpainting
Official Pytorch implementation of "Learnable Gated Temporal Shift Module for Deep Video Inpainting. Chang et al. BMVC 2019." and the FVI dataset in "Free-form Video Inpainting with 3D Gated Convolution and Temporal PatchGAN, Chang et al. ICCV 2019"
✭ 248
411. Cail2019
✭ 248
412. Semantic Segmentation
I will upload many semantic segmentation models to this repository for you to learn
✭ 245
413. Scant3r
ScanT3r - Web Security Scanner
414. Tweetme 2
Build a twitter-like app in Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, & React.js. Step-by-Step.
415. Fastor
✭ 248
416. Neuralbody
Code for "Neural Body: Implicit Neural Representations with Structured Latent Codes for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Humans" CVPR 2021
✭ 241
417. Qweb
QWeb and Ajaxterm
✭ 247
418. Elasticutils
[deprecated] A friendly chainable ElasticSearch interface for python
✭ 247
419. Bitbucket Backup
A python script that will backup all your bitbucket repos locally (both git and mercurial)
✭ 247
420. Vim Pydocstring
Generate Python docstring to your Python source code.
✭ 242
421. Shell Turtlestein
Plugin for running arbitrary shell commands in Sublime Text
✭ 247
422. Pyrasite Gui
A graphical interface for monitoring and interacting with running Python processes
✭ 247
423. Python Sitemap
Mini website crawler to make sitemap from a website.
424. Github Flask
🍾 Flask extension for GitHub API
✭ 246
425. Simpleeval
Simple Safe Sandboxed Extensible Expression Evaluator for Python
426. Jaydebeapi
JayDeBeApi module allows you to connect from Python code to databases using Java JDBC. It provides a Python DB-API v2.0 to that database.
427. Kb
Kivy Blueprints
✭ 247
428. Kaggle Solution
Solution Code for Kaggle Competition
✭ 247
429. Pyrocore
🔧 A collection of tools for the BitTorrent protocol and especially the rTorrent client
430. Todoman
✅ A simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager.
431. Porndetector
Porn images detector with python, tensorflow, scikit-learn and opencv.
432. Betfair
betfairlightweight - python wrapper for Betfair API-NG (with streaming)
433. Bitcoinlib
Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies Library for Python. Includes a fully functional wallet, Mnemonic key generation and management and connection with various service providers to receive and send blockchain and transaction information.
434. Python For Entrepreneurs Course Demos
Contains all the "handout" materials for Talk Python's Python for Entrepreneurs course. This includes notes and the final version of the website code.
435. Snapsudoku
Extract and solve Sudoku from an image
✭ 247
436. Cmake example
Example pybind11 module built with a CMake-based build system
✭ 246
437. Zipbomb
A simple implementation of ZipBomb in Python
✭ 246
438. Acme Nginx
python acme client for nginx
439. Wordquery
word fast-querying addon for anki
440. Homeassistant
Home Assistant Development
✭ 247
441. Xcdn
Try to find out the real ip behind cdn
✭ 246
442. Python Projects
some python projects
443. Aws Xray Sdk Python
AWS X-Ray SDK for the Python programming language
✭ 247
444. Aioboto3
Wrapper to use boto3 resources with the aiobotocore async backend
✭ 245
445. Fast Lianjia Crawler
直接通过链家 API 抓取数据的极速爬虫,宇宙最快~~ 🚀
446. Eosfactory
Python-based EOS smart-contract development & testing framework
447. Perceptual Reflection Removal
Single Image Reflection Separation with Perceptual Losses
448. Salarios Magistrados
Baixa as planilhas de salários de magistrados, extrai os contracheques, limpa e exporta pra CSV
450. Multi Armed Bandit
Play with the solutions to the multi-armed-bandit problem.
✭ 245
401-450 of 139323 python projects