Top 139323 python open source projects

451. Depthawarecnn
Depth-aware CNN for RGB-D Segmentation, ECCV 2018
452. Meituanappspider
✭ 246
453. Moonlight
Optical music recognition in TensorFlow
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454. Volumetriccapture
A multi-sensor capture system for free viewpoint video.
455. Django Bootstrap Modal Forms
A Django plugin for creating AJAX driven forms in Bootstrap modal.
457. Focal Tversky Unet
This repo contains the code for our paper "A novel focal Tversky loss function and improved Attention U-Net for lesion segmentation" accepted at IEEE ISBI 2019.
458. Generative Inpainting Pytorch
A PyTorch reimplementation for paper Generative Image Inpainting with Contextual Attention (
459. Python Algorithm
老宋秋招刷题日记, 语言使用python 与 c++
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460. Musictransformer Tensorflow2.0
implementation of music transformer with tensorflow-2.0 (ICLR2019)
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461. Automate The Boring Stuff Projects
My solutions for the projects in automate the boring stuff with python
462. Aggregation Cross Entropy
Aggregation Cross-Entropy for Sequence Recognition. CVPR 2019.
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463. Sknet
try to implement the CVPR 2019 paper "Selective Kernel Networks" by PyTorch
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464. Haq
[CVPR 2019, Oral] HAQ: Hardware-Aware Automated Quantization with Mixed Precision
465. Pmfx Shader
Cross platform shader system for HLSL, GLSL, Metal and SPIR-V.
466. Retinaface pytorch
Reimplement RetinaFace with Pytorch
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467. Autotiling
Script for sway and i3 to automatically switch the horizontal / vertical window split orientation
468. Fontgoggles
FontGoggles: Visual OTL Preview and QA
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469. Rtm3d
The official PyTorch Implementation of RTM3D and KM3D for Monocular 3D Object Detection
470. Aanet
AANet: Adaptive Aggregation Network for Efficient Stereo Matching, CVPR 2020
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471. Interrogate
Explain yourself! Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.
472. Ctf hacker Tools
✭ 246
473. Fast Soft Sort
Fast Differentiable Sorting and Ranking
475. Spacesiren
A honey token manager and alert system for AWS.
476. Free Programming Resources
💎 免费的编程资源大全,持续更新!🔥 覆盖各种语言和方向(Java \ Python \ C++ \ JavaScript \ Golang \ 前端 \ 后端等)的学习路线、贴心教程、项目实战、编程书籍、面试合集、实用资源等,对程序员非常有帮助!
477. Arsenal
Arsenal of python utilities.
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478. Rubypython
An in-process between Ruby and Python. Soon changing repo address.
479. Adl lrs
ADL's Open Source Learning Record Store (LRS) is used to store learning data collected with the Experience API.
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480. Valideer
Lightweight data validation and adaptation Python library.
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481. Flent
The FLExible Network Tester.
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482. Greg
A command-line podcast aggregator
483. Pgsanity
Check syntax of postgresql sql files
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484. Brickpi
The BrickPi Project Combining the Raspberry Pi and LEGO MINDSTORMS
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485. Pyphi
A toolbox for integrated information theory.
486. Artiq
A leading-edge control system for quantum information experiments
487. Cookbook
Code snippets for various programming languages and libraries
488. Findwebshell
489. Pytest Selenium
Plugin for running Selenium with pytest
490. Dev Ops Snippets
Various Vagrant, Ansible etc snippets
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491. Munki Pkg
Repo for the munkipkg tool and example projects
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492. Data Structure Zoo
An educational repo for students looking to learn about data structures in Python
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493. Arctic Capgen Vid
automatic video description generation with GPU training
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494. Pywfm
pywFM is a Python wrapper for Steffen Rendle's factorization machines library libFM
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495. Pydfs Lineup Optimizer
Daily Fantasy Sports lineup optimzer for all popular daily fantasy sports sites
496. Pyapns2
Python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) via HTTP/2 protocol
497. Terraform validate
Assists in the enforcement of user-defined standards in Terraform
498. Oprah Proxy
Generate credentials for Opera's "browser VPN"
499. Py Ga Vrptw
A Python Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm-based Solution to Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
500. Hand eye calibration
Python tools to perform time-synchronization and hand-eye calibration.
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451-500 of 139323 python projects