List of 748914 open source projects

Android_device_oneplus_bacon (CyanogenMod)
OnePlus One device configuration (bacon)
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Ion Google Place (israelidanny)
Ionic directive for a location dropdown that utilizes google maps
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Gpstk (SGL-UT)
The goal of the GPSTk project is to provide an open source library and suite of applications to the satellite navigation community--to free researchers to focus on research, not lower level coding.
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Colorstring (mitchellh)
Go (golang) library for colorizing strings for terminal output.
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Express Redis Cache (rv-kip)
A light cache system with Redis for Express
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Deck (spinnaker)
Management UI for Spinnaker
Material Colors (shuhei)
Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders
Sdfeedparser (sebyddd)
🚀 The easiest and most effective way to parse your Wordpress blog's feed on iOS.
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Radioactive (radioactive)
The Missing Native Functional Reactive API for Javascript
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Distances.jl (JuliaStats)
A Julia package for evaluating distances (metrics) between vectors.
Programming Game Ai By Example Src (wangchen)
The source code of "Programming Game AI by Example"
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Js Spatial Navigation (luke-chang)
A javascript-based implementation of Spatial Navigation.
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Html5validator (svenkreiss)
Command line tool to validate HTML5 files. Great for continuous integration.
Enjoi (tlivings)
Converts a JSON schema to a Joi schema.
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Webhookd (ncarlier)
A very simple webhook server launching shell scripts.
Rthreejs (bwlewis)
Three.js widgets for R and shiny
Vim Argwrap (FooSoft)
Wrap and unwrap function arguments, lists, and dictionaries in Vim
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Spark Indexedrdd (amplab)
An efficient updatable key-value store for Apache Spark
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Armclient (projectkudu)
A simple command line tool to invoke the Azure Resource Manager API
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Qiitanium (ogaclejapan)
Qiitanium is an unofficial Android application of Qiita
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Lsharp (lightszero)
A Pure C# IL Runner,Run DLL as a Script.直接解析执行IL的脚本引擎
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Forum (zhu327)
Django forum clone from support SAE
Node Promise Retry (IndigoUnited)
Retries a function that returns a promise, leveraging the power of the retry module.
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Slack Jira Plugin (gsingers)
A Slack plugin that watches channels for messages about JIRA and acts accordingly
Edx App Android (edx)
The Open EdX mobile app for Android!
Old Raft Rs (Hoverbear)
[Incomplete] A Raft implementation in Rust
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Ionic Course (EricSimons)
"Mastering Ionic" course code and markdown
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Nlog.web (NLog)
NLog integration for ASP.NET & ASP.NET Core 1-5
Node Rolling Spider (voodootikigod)
A library for controlling a Parrot Rolling Spider drone via BLE.
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Gowut (icza)
Go Web UI Toolkit - Public Releases and Development
Sprite Sheet Packer (amakaseev)
Sprite sheet packer
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Gohper (cosiner)
[UNMATAINED] common libs here.
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Rackla (AntonFagerberg)
Open Source API Gateway in Elixir
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Arpy (ivanvza)
Mac OSX ARP spoof (MiTM) tool that can also plug into Gource
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Dokan Sshfs (dokan-dev)
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Ion Slide Box Tabs (JKnorr91)
An Add-On directive for the ion-slide-box, that adds tabs to the slide box, known from the Android Material Design specification
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Notebook (indentlabs) is a set of tools for writers, game designers, and roleplayers to create magnificent universes – and everything within them.
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Px2rem Postcss (songsiqi)
Postcss version of px2rem.
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Chl (it4e)
C Hypertext Library - A library for writing web applications in C
Generator Redux (banderson)
CLI tools for Redux: next-gen functional Flux/React with devtools
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Cosmicjs Node (cosmicjs)
The official JavaScript client for Cosmic. Use it to power content server-side, in the browser and in native apps.
Tabbable (focus-trap)
Find descendants of a DOM node that are in the tab order
Pg_query_go (pganalyze)
Go library to parse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser
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Styleframe (DeepSpace2)
A library that wraps pandas and openpyxl and allows easy styling of dataframes in excel
Exchat (tony612)
(Not maintaining) A Slack-like app by Elixir, Phoenix & React(redux)
Mipt Mips (MIPT-ILab)
Cycle-accurate pre-silicon simulator of RISC-V and MIPS CPUs
Zulip Desktop Legacy (zulip)
Zulip legacy desktop app
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Notty (pqwy)
Declarative terminal graphics for OCaml
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Python Lambda Local (HDE)
Run AWS Lambda function on local machine
I18next Xhr Backend (i18next)
[deprecated] can be replaced with i18next-http-backend
Quickstart Intermediate (laravel)
A sample task list application with authentication.
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Mvpro (qibin0506)
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Tocas (teacat)
Tocas UI — A CSS3 and SASS UI library.
Pgbouncer Rr Patch (awslabs)
Adds query routing and rewriting extensions to pgbouncer
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Webpack React Redux Server Side Render Example (catamphetamine)
A sample React/Redux/Webpack project with Server-Side Rendering
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Tikz (walmes)
Galley of Tikz drawings.
Rethinkdb Regrid (internalfx)
A file storage system for RethinkDB inspired by GridFS
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