All Git Users → dotnetcore

22 open source projects by dotnetcore

1. Freesql
🦄 .NET orm, Mysql orm, Postgresql orm, SqlServer orm, Oracle orm, Sqlite orm, Firebird orm, 达梦 orm, 人大金仓 orm, 神通 orm, 翰高 orm, 南大通用 orm, Click house orm, MsAccess orm.
2. Osharp
OSharp是一个基于.NetCore的快速开发框架,框架对 AspNetCore 的配置、依赖注入、日志、缓存、实体框架、Mvc(WebApi)、身份认证、功能权限、数据权限等模块进行更高一级的自动化封装,并规范了一套业务实现的代码结构与操作流程,使 .Net Core 框架更易于应用到实际项目开发中。
3. Npoi
A .NET library for reading and writing Microsoft Office binary and OOXML file formats.
4. Webapiclient
An open source project based on the HttpClient. You only need to define the c# interface and modify the related features to invoke the client library of the remote http interface asynchronously.
5. Aspectcore Framework
AspectCore is an AOP-based cross platform framework for .NET Standard.
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Import and export general library, support Dto import and export, template export, fancy export and dynamic export, support Excel, Csv, Word, Pdf and Html.
7. Easycaching
💥 EasyCaching is an open source caching library that contains basic usages and some advanced usages of caching which can help us to handle caching more easier!
8. Httpreports
HttpReports is an APM (application performance monitor) system for .Net Core.
9. Smartsql
SmartSql = MyBatis in C# + .NET Core+ Cache(Memory | Redis) + R/W Splitting + PropertyChangedTrack +Dynamic Repository + InvokeSync + Diagnostics
10. Alipay.aopsdk.core
支付宝(Alipay)服务端SDK,采用.NET Standard 2.0,支持.NET Core >=2.0,与官方SDK接口完全相同。完全可以按照官方文档进行开发。除了支持支付以外,官方SDK支持的功能本SDK全部支持,比如生活号、服务窗、行业合作等,且用法几乎一样,代码都可参考官方文档代码。
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11. Natasha
基于 Roslyn 的 C# 动态程序集构建库,该库允许开发者在运行时使用 C# 代码构建域 / 程序集 / 类 / 结构体 / 枚举 / 接口 / 方法等,使得程序在运行的时候可以增加新的模块及功能。Natasha 集成了域管理/插件管理,可以实现域隔离,域卸载,热拔插等功能。 该库遵循完整的编译流程,提供完整的错误提示, 可自动添加引用,完善的数据结构构建模板让开发者只专注于程序集脚本的编写,兼容 stanadard2.0 / netcoreapp3.0+, 跨平台,统一、简便的链式 API。 且我们会尽快修复您的问题及回复您的 issue.
12. Flubucore
A cross platform build and deployment automation system for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code.
13. Aspnetcore Doc Cn
The Simplified Chinese edition of Microsoft ASP.NET Core documentation, translated by .NET Core Community and .NET China Community.
14. Cap
Distributed transaction solution in micro-service base on eventually consistency, also an eventbus with Outbox pattern
15. Smartcode
SmartCode = IDataSource -> IBuildTask -> IOutput => Build Everything!!!
16. Canalsharp
Alibaba mysql database binlog subscription & consumer components Canal's .NET client.
17. Bootstrapblazor
A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Bootstrap and Blazor
18. Util
Util是一个.net core平台下的应用框架,旨在提升小型团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类)、分层架构基类、Ui组件,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装,配套代码生成模板,权限等组成。
19. Dotnetspider
DotnetSpider, a .NET standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
21. Home
Home repo of .NET Core Community
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22. FastGithub
1-22 of 22 user projects