Onetimepassword🔑 A small library for generating TOTP and HOTP one-time passwords on iOS.
AuthyGo library and program to access your Authy TOTP secrets.
Two Factor AuthTwo Factor Authentication Java code implementing the Time-based One-time Password Algorithm
FreeotpplusEnhanced fork of FreeOTP-Android providing a feature-rich 2FA authenticator
Speakeasy**NOT MAINTAINED** Two-factor authentication for Node.js. One-time passcode generator (HOTP/TOTP) with support for Google Authenticator.
Go GuardianGo-Guardian is a golang library that provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to create powerful modern API and web authentication.
OtpclientHighly secure and easy to use OTP client written in C/GTK that supports both TOTP and HOTP
LibreauthLibreAuth is a collection of tools for user authentication.
Nginx SsoSSO authentication provider for the auth_request nginx module
TwofactorGolang two factor authentication library
MultiotpmultiOTP open source strong two factor authentication PHP library, OATH certified, with TOTP, HOTP, Mobile-OTP, YubiKey, SMS, QRcode provisioning, etc.
Python BnaPython implementation of the mobile Blizzard Authenticator (TOTP)
Weihanli.commoncommon tools,methods,extension methods etc... .net 常用工具类,公共方法,常用扩展方法等,基础类库
AegisA free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens.
Nimble totpA tiny Elixir library for time-based one time passwords (TOTP)
Cli🧰 A zero trust swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP, etc.
OtpauthOne Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno and browsers.
One TimeOne Time Password (TOTP and HOTP) library for Clojure. TOTP/HOTP is widely used for Two Factor / Multi Factor Authentication.
SwiftotpA Swift library for generating One Time Passwords (OTP)
TwofaA TouchID-aware 2-factor authenticator for macOS
Totp CliA cli-based pass-backed TOTP app
JsotpJavascript One-Time Password module.
OathgenA command line HOTP and TOTP client
Otphp🔐 A PHP library for generating one time passwords according to RFC 4226 (HOTP) and the RFC 6238 (TOTP)
Totp Ssh FluxerTake security by obscurity to the next level (this is a bad idea, don't really use this please)
TwofactorauthPHP library for Two Factor Authentication (TFA / 2FA)
MintotpMinimal TOTP generator in 20 lines of Python
AutheliaThe Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
YosaiA Security Framework for Python applications featuring Authorization (rbac permissions and roles), Authentication (2fa totp), Session Management and an extensive Audit Trail
Otp.netA .NET implementation of TOTP and HOTP for things like two-factor authentication codes.
Two Factor Bundle[OUTDATED] Two-factor authentication for Symfony applications 🔐 (bunde version ≤ 4). Please use version 5 from
GlewlwydSingle Sign On server, OAuth2, Openid Connect, multiple factor authentication with, HOTP/TOTP, FIDO2, TLS Certificates, etc. extensible via plugins
AndotpOpen source two-factor authentication for Android
Java OtpA one-time password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Java
keymasterShort term certificate based identity system (ssh/x509 ca + openidc)
mfaGenerate TOTP(Time-based One-time Password) token with CLI.
pyotpPython One-Time Password Library
extract otp secret keysExtract two-factor authentication (2FA, TFA) secret keys from export QR codes of "Google Authenticator" app
OneTimeiOS, watchOS, & macOS One-Time Password client
traefik-proxyOne-step (secure) configuration for Traefik edge router.
2FAtoTray Copy 2FA tokens in a click (macOS)
a12n-serverA ready-to-launch User and Authentication system for those that don't want to build it
toshImagine your SSH server only listens on an IPv6 address, and where the last 6 digits are changing every 30 seconds as a TOTP code...
rustotpony🐴 RusTOTPony — CLI manager of one-time password generators aka Google Authenticator
adfsmfaMFA for ADFS 2022/2019/2016/2012r2