Top 1817 Cuda open source projects

501. DiffuseCode
Suite of programs to simulate disordered and nanomaterials
503. UDM
A repo for "Soft Truncation: A Universal Training Technique of Score-based Diffusion Model for High Precision Score Estimation"
505. PositionBasedFluids
Working clone of pbd based fluids by Korzen
507. onnx tensorrt project
Support Yolov5(4.0)/Yolov5(5.0)/YoloR/YoloX/Yolov4/Yolov3/CenterNet/CenterFace/RetinaFace/Classify/Unet. use darknet/libtorch/pytorch/mxnet to onnx to tensorrt
508. ecdl
Tool for computing elliptic curve (EC) discrete logarithms
509. cudaMergeSort
Highly parallel, GPU-accelerated hybrid mergesort with mmap'd IO
✭ 39
511. T-Fixup
Code for the ICML'20 paper "Improving Transformer Optimization Through Better Initialization"
✭ 73
512. FGPU
No description or website provided.
513. allgebra
Base container for developing C++ and Fortran HPC applications
514. SMPL-NeRF
Embed human pose information into neural radiance fields (NeRF) to render images of humans in desired poses 🏃 from novel views
515. SpotNet
Repository for the paper SpotNet: Self-Attention Multi-Task Network for Object Detection
516. libcgt
Computer Graphics Tools library
517. BadNets
No description, website, or topics provided.
518. JigsawNet
JigsawNet: Shredded Images Reassembly Using Convolutional Neural Network and Loop-based Composition
519. U-MVS
Official code for ICCV paper "Digging into Uncertainty in Self-supervised Multi-view Stereo"
520. GigaVoxels
An early development version of the GigaVoxels library.
521. PointPillars MultiHead 40FPS
A REAL-TIME 3D detection network [Pointpillars] compiled by CUDA/TensorRT/C++.
522. pytorch wbn
PyTorch implementation of Weighted Batch-Normalization layers
523. GPU-MatchLocate1.0
An improved match and locate method
524. stylegan2-tf-2.x
stylegan2, tensorflow 2, keras subclassing
526. ParSecureML
A Parallel Secure Machine Learning Framework on GPUs
527. StructuredLM RTDT
The official code for paper "R2D2: Recursive Transformer based on Differentiable Tree for Interpretable Hierarchical Language Modeling".
528. AI Components
AI parts on Healthcare and Genetic Data
✭ 31
529. voxelizer
A simple mesh voxelizer, GPU accelerated with CUDA
530. cuda expm
Matrix exponential in cuda for pytorch and tensorflow
533. caffe-unpooling
Caffe with unpooling layers and example usage.
534. RIDet
[GRSL 2021] Official code for paper "Optimization for Oriented Object Detection via Representation Invariance Loss".
536. caffe ssd
Forked from Wei Liu's repository for SSD and ParseNet. For further information, please respectively refer to the original paper and the repository in
537. Face-Recognition-with-InsightFace
No description, website, or topics provided.
538. CryptoGPU
Cryptocurrency prices analysis
539. StyleRenderer
Implementation for Paper "Inverting Generative Adversarial Renderer for Face Reconstruction"
540. ELGS
Code for the paper: Exploiting Local and Global Structure for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Contextual Point Representations
541. NeuronGPU
A GPU library for simulation of large scale networks of biological neurons
543. RLUtilities
a collection of tools aimed at facilitating RLBot development in C++/Python
544. darknet-mobilenet-v2
Darknet for MobileNet v2
✭ 79
545. Robust-Semantic-Segmentation
Dynamic Divide-and-Conquer Adversarial Training for Robust Semantic Segmentation (ICCV2021)
546. riconv
Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning
549. faceID
550. MPViT
MPViT:Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction in CVPR 2022