Top 2045 GLSL open source projects

302. DOPPEngine
No description, website, or topics provided.
303. conf-mgmt
Configuration management for Gentoo workstations
304. Knitstagram
An iOS camera with a real time "knitted" filter built in 📷
✭ 17
305. UnityMaskShader
Mask shader for installation apps.
✭ 22
306. PAINTicle
A paint addon for Blender using particles.
307. hms-scene-RTcore-demo
This demo provides examples of how to use RTCore APIs, including using them to create reflection effects and draw triangles.
308. Vivecraft 112
VR mod for Minecraft. For Minecraft version 1.12.2
310. Hyperbolic-Honeycombs
Visualize 3d/4d hyperbolic honeycombs and sphere packings.
✭ 189
311. Games16
✭ 34
312. Cloned.SoftPixelEngine
Clone from,
313. unity3d-super-metroid
An open-source Unity3D implementation of the SNES Super Metroid game
314. OpenGL-ES-2.0-cpp
OpenGL ES 2.0 programming in c++
✭ 29
315. NDCell
A fast, flexible, and feature-rich interactive multidimensional cellular automaton simulator written in Rust
316. OpenTK-PathTracer
C# OpenGL Path Tracer, Real-Time GPU accelerated
317. unflobtactical
Xenowar (working title was "UFO Attack") is a turn based strategy game for Win32 and Android OS (version 2.1 or higher.)
318. Hololens-Pokemon-Go
Pokemon Go Demo in HoloLens
✭ 19
319. type
9,105 bytes WebGL Demo for TokyoDemoFest 2016
320. zig-vulkan-triangle
simple triangle displayed using vulkan, glfw, and zig
321. experiment-rick-and-morty-tribute
322. NeoComp
A new place for a fork of a compositor for X11
323. GLMaze
GLMaze is a Windows 95 Maze screensaver clone written in C using OpenGL.
325. hopf
🧣 A graphical program for exploring the Hopf fibration.
326. ovr-pilot
Barebones Unity3D project, works as a template for a seated VR experience. Implements basic keyboard, menu, and IK functionality.
✭ 29
327. hsluv-glsl
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 28
328. bevy-physics-weekend
Game physics in one weekend with bevy
✭ 26
329. Marrow
No description, website, or topics provided.
330. source-sdk-2013-ce
Source SDK 2013 Community Edition is a fork of the 2013 sdk repo of the source engine which fixes most of the things that were previously broken in the normal sdk so that mod developers can start using a clean build of source withouth any additions and withouth needing to do things like fixing the speach api and much more
331. SPH
Parallel realtime SPH
332. seisDD
Double-difference adjoint seismic tomography
333. Physics-slideshow-threejs-cannonjs
Physics-based 3D cloth with cannon.js and three.js
334. glsl-aastep
anti-alias smoothstep utility function
✭ 103
335. UWO
Unity WebGL x WebSocket MMO demo
337. WebVJ
a webgl experiment that uses web page structures as part of its visual effects
338. limut
Live coding music and visuals within a browser using WebAudio and WebGL
339. basic-graphics-samples
Basic C++ sample usages of Magma library and Vulkan graphics API
340. WarpedCAVE
Cheap arbitrary-surface projection mapping for 3D rendering.
341. UnityShader
No description, website, or topics provided.
342. MegviiFacepp-iOS-SDK
An iOS wrapper of MegviiFacepp SDK (the mobile SDK).
343. voxel cone tracing
No description, website, or topics provided.
344. IROS2016ManipulationChallenge
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 20
345. OpenGL-Programming-Guide-8th-Edition-Code
No description, website, or topics provided.
347. Unity-Volumetric-Clouds
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 22
348. Video Painter
A Processing sketch for painting with video
349. blender
Blender 3D clone and private branches
350. PbfVs
Implementation of Macklin, Miles, and Matthias Müller. "Position based fluids.". Visual Studio 2015 + CUDA 8.0