Top 831 Jinja open source projects

501. scale-ci-deploy
Automation for OpenShift Deployments - install, scaling and upgrades
502. rhce8-book
companion files for my upcoming RHCE8 EX294 book.
503. cisco.asa
Ansible Security Collection for Cisco ASA
505. dash-network-deploy
Tools for Dash networks deployment and testing
506. demo-playbooks
Ansible playbooks I use for talks and demos
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507. telegraf
Ansible role for installing, configuring, and maintaining Telegraf
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508. pipeline
Spline is a tool that is capable of running locally as well as part of well known pipelines like Jenkins (Jenkinsfile), Travis CI (.travis.yml) or similar ones.
509. clash
Clash is a tool for running jobs on the Google Compute Engine 🚀
510. ansible-apt
Ansible role that configures apt & installs/updates packages.
511. gluster-ansible-infra
Ansible role to enable and deploy the backend of a Gluster cluster.
512. qubinode-installer
An easy to set up OpenShift development kit powered by Red Hat Ansible.
513. poor-mans-vpn
An ansible playbook to set up wireguard server.
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514. OctoPrint-Playlist
No description, website, or topics provided.
517. hsexplorer
No description, website, or topics provided.
519. Octoprint-Bettergrblsupport
Better Grbl Support Plugin for Octoprint based (loosely) on the original Grbl Support plugin developed by mic159
520. ansible-role-dhcp
Ansible role for setting up ISC DHCPD on RHEL/CentOS 7
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521. open-context-py
Open Context Python Code Repository
522. home-cluster
My WIP private cloud
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523. doaj
The Directory of Open Access Journals - website and directory software
524. jira role
Ansible role to install Atlassian JIRA
525. ansible-mongodb
Configure the components of a MongoDB Cluster
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526. ansible-zeek
setup zeek, previously Bro IDS
527. configuration
A collection of edx configuration scripts and utilities that uses to deploy openedx.
528. salt-formula-freeipa
No description, website, or topics provided.
529. snowplow-mini
An easily-deployable, single-instance version of Snowplow
530. hokusai
Artsy's Docker / Kubernetes CLI and Workflow
531. resilient-python-api
Python Library for the IBM SOAR REST API, a Python SDK for developing Apps for IBM SOAR and more...
532. uncletopia
Ansible playbook for uncletopia server cluster
533. lms
LTI app for integrating with learning management systems
534. pcg gazebo
Procedural Generation for Gazebo
535. ansible-role-systemd-networkd
Ansible role to setup systemd-networkd profiles
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536. pulp deb
Debian repository plugin for Pulp (
537. collectd-formula
538. ansible-role-ntp-gps
Ansible Role: NTP with GPS on Raspberry Pi
540. kube-install
一鍵安裝部署高可用的多kubernetes集羣(二進位離線方式),支持定時安裝、添加與銷毀node、銷毀與修復master、一鍵卸載集羣等。One click offline installation of highly available multiple kubernetes cluster, supports schedule installation, addition of nodes, rebuild of kubernetes master, and uninstallation of clusters.
541. openvpn-formula
Setup and configure openvpn server and client.
542. foss4g-oceania-2018-workshop
0 - 100 on AWS: Building a full-stack web mapping application with PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers and ReactJS
543. git-mit
Minimalist set of hooks to aid pairing and link commits to issues
544. sonic-mgmt
Configuration management examples for SONiC
546. cloud-deploy
Governing Self-Service On-Demand Cloud Provisioning (AWS and GCP)
548. eqpress
Managed Wordpress Hosting - Secure & Open Source
549. bind-formula
550. OctoPrint-SimpleEmergencyStop
A simple plugin that add an emergency stop buton on NavBar of OctoPrint