Top 179 OpenEdge ABL open source projects

51. littlesmalltalk
Archive of Little Smalltalk (with updates to work on modern platforms). Also collects forks and documentation on this historic system.
52. Computer-Vision-and-Photogrammetry
Course at University of Wroclaw - full 3D reconstruction from images pipeline
53. Aspect-Based-Sentiment-Analysis-IRE-Major-Project
No description, website, or topics provided.
54. coc-os
"operating system" based on the calculus of constructions
55. wikidetox
Experiments to help discussion on Wikipedia talk pages
56. xv6
A simple Unix-like teaching operating system developed by MIT
58. sancus-core
Minimal OpenMSP430 hardware extensions for isolation and attestation
59. scnn
Implementation of search-convolutional neural networks (SCNNs)
61. rl-navigation
No description, website, or topics provided.
62. NSPN WhitakerVertes PNAS2016
Data and analysis code to reproduce the NSPN Manuscript "Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome".
63. TDP-MSRC-AI-Challenge
No description, website, or topics provided.
64. InsideMacintosh
Transcription of the Pascal sample code chapter from 1985's Inside Macintosh Volume I. Confirmed to compile in Lisa Workshop. Workshop RSRC and make script included.
65. cookbook-pollen
📘🌼 A bunch of Pollen recipes
66. Glider4
Original sources to Glider 4.0 by John Calhoun, originally published by Casady & Green Inc.
67. mic
Image Creator for Linux Distributions
68. Sylvester
A language for scientific computing that focuses on safety, expressiveness, and interoperability
69. healthNER
No description, website, or topics provided.
70. mfm
MFM emulator code
71. titanic-families
Determine the families in the Kaggle Titanic competion
72. clx-wallet
CryptoLux (CLX) - Wallet -
74. Cuda-Histogram
Generalized Histograms for CUDA-capable GPUs
75. pySSTV
Python classes for generating Slow-scan Television transmissions
76. Shakespearizing-Modern-English
Code for "Jhamtani H.*, Gangal V.*, Hovy E. and Nyberg E. Shakespearizing Modern Language Using Copy-Enriched Sequence to Sequence Models" Workshop on Stylistic Variation, EMNLP 2017
77. DeepTextMining
Implementation of Deep Boltzmann Machines for text-mining
78. MyoArmbandDataset
No description, website, or topics provided.
79. AutoPentest-DRL
AutoPentest-DRL: Automated Penetration Testing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
80. gdata-python3
Gdata-python-client for the XXI century (Python3 client library for Google data APIs)
81. dfrws2017-challenge
The DFRWS 2017 challenge (extended into 2018) is about Internet of Things (IoT), defined generally to include network and Internet connected devices usually for the purpose of monitoring and automation tasks. Consumer-grade “Smart” devices are increasing in popularity and scope. These devices and the data they collect are potentially interesting…
83. lsm-tree
This is an implementation of a log structure merge tree.
85. DeepChess
A TensorFlow implementation of "DeepChess: End-to-End Deep Neural Network for Automatic Learning in Chess"
86. Devhook
The sources for Devhook, devhook allows to bootstrap any firmware on psp by executing a patched version of reboot.bin
87. Launch-12
Data about PSAS's 13th official flight.
89. 1314-BeagleBone-Quadcopter
Create an inexpensive open-source project for a BeagleBone cape quadcopter
90. latex-templates
Useful LaTeX templates for frequently used document types
92. landscaper
The landscaper constructs a graph describing a computing infrastructure.
93. ctf-writeups
Collection of Praetorian solutions to CTF challenges
99. diy driverless car ROS
ROS packages for DIY driverless car/autonomous vehicle development
100. Database-Modeling-Excel
A spreadsheet for designing databases
51-100 of 179 OpenEdge ABL projects