Top 1095 PLpgSQL open source projects

503. oim
504. conch-api
Datacenter build and management service
506. fonetica-sql
BuscaBR algorithm which allow the comparison of words based on their phonetic likeness (in sql)
508. price-tracker-bot
Telegram 聊天機器人,追蹤momo降價、重新上架
509. luoxu
A Telegram userbot to index Chinese and Japanese group contents.
510. KfMobile
512. cardano-explorer
Backend solution powering the cardano-explorer. ⚠️ See disclaimer below. ⚠️
514. seckill
515. c19
C19 is an Open Source COVID-19 self registration tool build by volunteering people in tech.
517. actix-fb-google-login
Add Facebook and Google authentication to your HTTP REST API in Actix-web
518. shorest
A URL Shortener written in Rust and Svelte.
519. POS-System
💹 A simple Point-of-Sale system with graphic interface.
520. old-land-flask-api
521. TPC-LoS-prediction
This repository contains the code used for Temporal Pointwise Convolutional Networks for Length of Stay Prediction in the Intensive Care Unit (
522. on-prem-builder
Scripts to stand up an on-premise Habitat Builder Depot
524. pgosm
The goal of PgOSM is to make it simpler to consume OpenStreetMap data loaded from PBF file into PostGIS via osm2pgsql.
525. mysql2h2-converter
A MySQL to H2 SQL conversion library written in Java
526. edge2ai-workshop
No description, website, or topics provided.
528. storage-js
JS Client library to interact with Supabase Storage
530. mtbmap
Web map for mountain biking and hiking based on OpenStreetMap data.
531. dba-utils
No description, website, or topics provided.
532. cash book-server
Egg + React 全栈开发记账本---后台服务代码
534. slony1-engine
Slony replication system for Postgresql
535. pg adviser
Postgres' index adviser
536. community-extensions-cache-postgres
A PostgreSQL Implementation of IDistributedCache interface. Using Postgresql as distributed cache in Asp.Net Core. NetStandard 2.0
537. machado
This repository provides users with a framework to store, search and visualize biological data.
539. opencongress
An open website for opening Congress.
540. echo-go
Go web framework Echo example. RBAC权限,JWT、Socket,session,cookie,缓存,登录,注册,上传,db数据库操作,生成models,service演示
✭ 52
541. rugby
Rugby data, scripts and analytics.
542. mysql-node-categoires
543. aaocp
544. alsigm
AL SIGM (Administración Local-SIGM), es una aplicación puesta a disposición de cualquier organización de forma gratuita por el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo para proporcionar a dichas administraciones un sistema que permita reunir en formato electrónico toda la documentación de un expediente, integrando los tradicionales subsistemas…
546. datafest
Materials and code for Harvard DataFest workshop
548. fuzzysearch
A site that allows you to reverse image search millions of furry images in under a second
549. CovidCode-Service
CovidCode service is an authorization code generation service for the CovidCode-UI.
501-550 of 1095 PLpgSQL projects