23 open source projects by PX4

1. Eigen
Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
✭ 227
2. Px4 Flow
Firmware for PX4FLOW board
✭ 207
3. Px4 Bootloader
PX4 Bootloader for PX4FMU, PX4IO and PX4FLOW
✭ 185
4. Px4 Sitl gazebo
Set of plugins, models and worlds to use with OSRF Gazebo Simulator in SITL and HITL.
5. Px4 Devguide
PX4 Devguide GitBook
6. Px4 Matrix
Lightweight, dependency free Matrix library (BSD)
✭ 149
7. Sapog
Sapog - advanced multiplatform ESC firmware
8. Px4 Opticalflow
This repository contains different algorithms to calculate the optical flow. It can be used as input for a position estimator
✭ 105
9. Flight review
web application for flight log analysis & review
10. Nuttx
Standard NuttX (http://nuttx.org) with current PX4 WIP patches
✭ 123
11. Homebrew Px4
PX4-related Homebrew formula for developers using OS X
✭ 62
13. Px4 Avoidance
PX4 avoidance ROS node for obstacle detection and avoidance.
✭ 314
14. Px4 Ecl
Estimation & Control Library for Guidance, Navigation and Control Applications
✭ 300
15. px4ros
contains submodules for ROS SITL, used to define relations between projects/versions
✭ 16
16. jMAVSim
Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support
✭ 69
18. uvc ros driver
A ros node to stream images from a multi-camera UVC device
19. FlightPlot
PX4 flight log plotter for ulog format
✭ 38
20. px4 msgs
ROS/ROS2 messages that match the uORB messages counterparts on the PX4 Firmware
✭ 29
21. PX4-containers
Build scripts for containers running various PX4 setups, like SITL with ROS.
22. PX4-GPSDrivers
Platform independent GPS drivers
✭ 58
23. snap cam
This package provides tools to work with the Snapdragon Flight cameras as well as perform optical flow for use with the PX4 flight stack.
1-23 of 23 user projects