62 open source projects by eBay

1. Modanet
ModaNet: A large-scale street fashion dataset with polygon annotations
2. Griffin
Model driven data quality service
✭ 237
3. Cors Filter
CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) is a mechanism supported by W3C to enable cross origin requests in web-browsers. CORS requires support from both browser and server to work. This is a Java servlet filter implementation of server-side CORS for web containers such as Apache Tomcat.
✭ 224
4. Nmessenger
A fast, lightweight messenger component built on AsyncDisplaykit and written in Swift
✭ 2,456
5. Kprn
Reasoning Over Knowledge Graph Paths for Recommendation
6. Eagle
This codebase is retained for historical interest only, please visit Apache Incubator Repository for latest one
✭ 192
7. Jsonpipe
A lightweight AJAX client for chunked JSON responses
✭ 189
8. Ebay Font
A small utility to efficiently load custom web fonts
✭ 170
9. Accelerator
The Accelerator is a tool for fast and reproducible processing of large amounts of data.
10. Ebayui Core
Collection of Marko widgets; considered to be the core building blocks for all eBay components, pages & apps
11. Maxdnn
High Efficiency Convolution Kernel for Maxwell GPU Architecture
✭ 127
12. Skin
Pure CSS framework designed & developed by eBay for a branded, e-commerce marketplace.
13. Akutan
A distributed knowledge graph store
14. Flutter glove box
Various eBay tools for Flutter development
15. Jungle
An embedded key-value store library specialized for building state machine and log store
16. Parallec Samples
Single file examples and ready-to-use servers show how to use parallec.io library. Examples to aggregate APIs and publish to Elastic Search and Kafka, and many more. www.parallec.io
✭ 90
17. Tsv Utils
eBay's TSV Utilities: Command line tools for large, tabular data files. Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and more.
18. Go Ovn
A Go library for OVN Northbound/Southbound DB access using native OVSDB protocol
✭ 75
19. Bayesian Belief Networks
Pythonic Bayesian Belief Network Package, supporting creation of and exact inference on Bayesian Belief Networks specified as pure python functions.
✭ 1,061
20. Nvidiagpubeat
nvidiagpubeat is an elastic beat that uses NVIDIA System Management Interface (nvidia-smi) to monitor NVIDIA GPU devices and can ingest metrics into Elastic search cluster, with support for both 6.x and 7.x versions of beats. nvidia-smi is a command line utility, based on top of the NVIDIA Management Library (NVML), intended to aid in the management and monitoring of NVIDIA GPU devices.
21. Collectbeat
Beats with discovery capabilities for environments like Kubernetes
✭ 41
22. Modshot
Takes screenshot of UI modules and compare with baselines using PhantomCSS
✭ 28
23. Customrippleview
The Custom Ripple View library provides Android developers an easy way to customize and implement a Ripple Effect view.
✭ 21
25. Svnetworking
Objective-C remote resource loading and networking
✭ 13
26. Hpulse
Realtime Monitoring of Hadoop through JMX JSON
27. Geosense
Self-contained jar to lookup timezone by lat+lon
✭ 22
28. Restcommander
Fast Parallel Async HTTP client as a Service to monitor and manage 10,000 web servers. (Java+Akka)
✭ 902
30. Parallec
Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka) www.parallec.io
31. Headgazelib
A library to empower iOS app control through head gaze without a finger touch
32. Sequence Semantic Embedding
Tools and recipes to train deep learning models and build services for NLP tasks such as text classification, semantic search ranking and recall fetching, cross-lingual information retrieval, and question answering etc.
33. Nuraft
C++ implementation of Raft core logic as a replication library
34. Neutrino
Neutrino is a software load balancer(SLB)
✭ 287
35. Uaf
UAF - Universal Authentication Framework
✭ 257
36. Pine
Pine: Machine Learning Prediction As A Service
✭ 14
38. xcelite
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 76
39. hadoop-tsdb-connector
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 14
40. oink
REST based interface for PIG execution
✭ 26
41. skin-react
Skin components built with React (Typescript)
42. GZinga
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 42
43. SketchSVG
Have icons in a Sketch file but don't want to manually extract and compress them as SVGs? Let our SketchSVG tool do it!
44. Gringofts
Gringofts makes it easy to build a replicated, fault-tolerant, high throughput and distributed event-sourced system.
45. arc
adaptive resources and components
46. mtdtool
The Manual Test Demultiplexer is a desktop app (Mac and Windows) that provides an interface for driving manual testing on multiple physical devices.
✭ 19
47. Jenkins-Pipeline-Utils
Global Jenkins Pipeline Library with common utilities.
48. RTran
Road to Continous Upgrade
✭ 14
50. ebashlib
A bash script battery which gathers several generic helper scripts for other repositories.
1-50 of 62 user projects