All Git Users → microsoft

1818 open source projects by microsoft

301. Luis Samples
Samples for the Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS)
✭ 129
302. Edge Diagnostics Adapter
Microsoft Edge Diagnostics Adapter is a protocol adapter that enables tools to debug Microsoft Edge using the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
✭ 127
303. Azurekeyvaultexplorer
Azure Key Vault Explorer
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304. Botbuilder Java
The Microsoft Bot Framework provides what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
305. Quantum Nc
Microsoft Quantum Computing Libraries for noncommercial use
306. Graph Based Code Modelling
Code for "Generative Code Modeling with Graphs" (ICLR'19)
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307. Aksworkshop
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) workshop website content
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309. Availability Monitor For Kafka
A tool to monitor Kafka availability and latency and report these metrics to SQL Server, JMX, CSV, SLF4J endpoints.
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310. Opentype Svg Font Editor
A user-friendly tool for adding SVG to OpenType fonts
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311. Windows Appsample Photo Editor
Photo Editor is a UWP photo viewing and editing sample that highlights development with C++/WinRT.
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312. Vanarsdel
VanArsdel Application UWP Sample
313. Cloudadoptionframework
Code samples and extended documentation to support the guidance provided in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework
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314. Playwright Github Action
Run Playwright tests on GitHub Actions
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315. Typescript React Starter
A starter template for TypeScript and React with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
317. Vscode Atom Keybindings
Port of Atom Keybindings for VS Code.
✭ 125
318. Wingtipticketssaas Dbpertenant
A sample multitenant SaaS application using a database per tenant model, built on Azure SQL Database. Includes management scripts for a range of scenarios.
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319. Vsts Work Item Migrator
WiMigrator is a command line tool for migrating work items between VSTS/TFS projects
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320. Snca.pytorch
Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis
321. Fhir Converter
Conversion utility to translate legacy data formats into FHIR
322. Transductive Vos.pytorch
a transductive approach for video object segmentation
✭ 124
323. Vs Macros
An extension for Visual Studio 2013+ that enables the use of macros in the IDE. The extension can record most of the features in Visual Studio including text editing operations.
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324. Azuredatastudio Postgresql
azuredatastudio-postgresql is an extension for Azure Data Studio that enables you to work with PostgreSQL databases
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326. Appcenter Build Scripts Examples
A collection of build script examples to be used in the Build service of
✭ 122
327. Pointersql
Code for PointerSQL, PT-MAML, Execution-guided Decoding papers
✭ 122
328. Bobsql
demos, scripts, samples, and code from the two bobs who work at Microsoft on SQL Server
329. Vscode Mono Debug
A simple VS Code debug adapter for mono
✭ 120
330. Vscode Extension Vscode
The vscode NPM module. Deprecated in favor of @types/vscode and vscode-test.
✭ 119
331. Kafka Proxy Ws
A robust, scalable, high performance WebSockets based proxy for Kafka.
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332. Code Challenges
Built for //BUILD 2017; this repo contains 15 minutes code challenges across data platform and analytics. Inclusive of; SQL Server on Linux, Azure SQL Database, Azure DocumentDB, Azure Search, HDInsight, MySQL as a Service, PostgreSQL as a Service, Bot Framework, Python Tools for Visual Studio, R Tools for Visual Studio. Get challenged, learn new stuff, fork the repo, contribute to the repo, and get a sneak peak the exciting world of Microsoft products and services.
333. Rest Api Fuzz Testing
REST API Fuzz Testing (RAFT): Source code for self-hosted service developed for Azure, including the API, orchestration engine, and default set of security tools (including MSR's RESTler), that enables developers to embed security tooling into their CI/CD workflows
334. Vscode Json Languageservice
JSON language service extracted from VSCode to be reused, e.g in the Monaco editor.
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336. Powerbi Client React
Power BI for React which provides components and services to enabling developers to easily embed Power BI reports into their applications.
✭ 116
337. O365 Moodle
Office 365 and Azure Active Directory plugins for Moodle
338. Mcw Line Of Business Application Migration
MCW Line-of-business application migration
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339. Aivisualprovision
Connect(); 2018 - AI Visual Provision Sample App
340. Distributed skipgram mixture
Distributed skipgram mixture model for multisense word embedding
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341. Range V3 Vs2015
A fork of the popular range-v3 C++ library with support for the Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 VC++ compiler.
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342. Snip Insights
Snip Insights, a Microsoft Garage project
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343. Azure Devops Extension Sample
Sample web extension for Azure DevOps
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344. Blingfire
A lightning fast Finite State machine and REgular expression manipulation library.
348. Fluentdarkmodekit
A library for backporting Dark Mode in iOS
350. Tailwindtraders Backend
Tailwind Traders Backend Services
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